The advantages and disadvantages with caffeine.

Many popular beverages containing the stimulant caffeine substance.

Caffeine has a bad reputation,but has it really no effect and health benefits?

Caffeine acts as a stimulant on the heart and central nervous system,and is also known to increase blood pressure in a short time.

The effects on blood pressure is most obvious when the caffeine is taken in excessive quantities or by people who are very sensitive to caffeine.

People who are hypertensive (permanently high blood pressure) are recommend to avoid caffeinerich beverages,and pregnant women should limit their intake of caffeine to less than 300 mg a day.

Caffeine and weight loss.

Caffeine has been shown to have very little effect on increasing metabolism,and is sometimes added as an ingredient for weight loss pills.


Coffee has been linked to a number of risk factors for coronary artery disease,including elevated blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels in the blood.

Coffee can be useful in certain areas of health – for example,researchers have found that coffee may reduce the risk of gallstones and kidney stones.


Tea contains useful minerals,such as zinc,manganese and potassium.

Caffeine and iron absorption.

Both coffee and tea includes polyphenols that can bind to the iron,making it more difficult for our bodies to absorb.

To avoid coffee and tea during and around meals is important for people at risk of iron deficiency.

Sven-Erik Sandal:
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