The Aftermath of Elections in Pakistan

    Thanks to President Pervesh Mushraf who has kept his promise of general elections in Pakistan on February, 18, free from rigging. However out of 20 million electorates, those who voted in the elections were as low as 40 %,the poor turn out being ascribed to the feeling of insecurity prevailing among the people of Pakistan.

     Out of the 272 seats, elections conducted to the Pakistan General Assembly, 87 seats have been won by PPP(33 % of popular votes), 66 seats to the party headed by Nawaz Sheriff (27 % popular votes), some 37 seats to the party headed by President Pervez and some seats by independants.

    The real gainer in the election being Nawaz Sheriff whose party has not foresee such results and the party has actually swept Punjab.

    While PPP under the leadership of Asif Ali Zardari is non-committal on many of the issues and mostly it has decided to resolve many of the issues in the parliament.It seems it has even reconciled to President Pervez Mushraf.

   Whereas, Nawaz Sheriff  has   categorically called for or clamouring the ouster of Pervez Mushraf, by whom Nawaz Sheriff was actually deposed in a bloodless coup.Besides, Sheriff also calls for the restoration of erstwhile judiciary and stern action against Mushraf for actions he had done during the emergency.

    It seems in the general elections held on February, 18 th, the real political gainer is Nawaz Sheriff and he may forge an alliance with PPP to form a government, whose combined strength is more than 50 % seats.     

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