The Aftermath of Uprising in Iran


TEHRAN, IRAN— Life in Tehran is gradually returning to normal. There are no reports of additional demonstrations that left one person dead and scores of others injured.
Iran’s judiciary announced 1500 protesters were arrested and their files were being organized for trial before the revolutionary court.
Family members of those arrested gathered in front of the revolutionary court building in Tehran to get news of their loved ones. A special security force attacked the families and dispersed them swiftly.
Elsewhere in Tehran, a group of conservative MPs marched in the main hall of the Parliament building demanding the judiciary to sentence the opposition leaders to death for “being corrupt on earth”.
A spokesperson for the judiciary, Gholamhosein Mohseni Ejei, stated to Fars News that yesterday’s demonstrations were supported and planned with the help from the United States and other western countries.
Since the government repeatedly warned the people against participating in yesterday’s rally, “the judiciary will deal quickly and firmly with the main perpetrators and those who disturbed public order and peace”, said Mohseni Ejei.
The government has not informed the families of arrested on where they are being held and whether they may be eligible for released on bail.
Iranian security forces detained an employee of the Spanish Embassy in Tehran for several hours. No further details have been released by the Iranian government. Spain has summoned the Iranian ambassador for an explanation.
The opposition party, in defiance of government warnings, went ahead with its planned public rally. Eye witness in Iran reported tens of thousands of people pouring into the streets shouting “death to dictator”. Others were shouting “death to Khomeini”.
According to Radio Zamaneh, security forces were deployed in large numbers around key locations. Subway stations and major streets in Teheran were reportedly closed in an effort to prevent demonstrators from joining the rally.
Some eye witnesses reported security personnel with unusually large weapons. Buses with their curtains pulled down and black police cars were spotted all along the march route.
BBC reported that live ammunitions have been used around Azadi Square, the end point of yesterday’s rally. Ambulances were seen arriving and leaving the scene. An unconfirmed number of protestors have been injured as result of bullet wounds and beatings by security forces.
Yesterday, protests were also reported in Tabriz, Shiraz, Esfahan, Ahavaz, Rasht and Kermanshah.
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