It is not surprising that when the film industry was introduced to India, they continued to tell the story in the same drama style. It is surprising to note that a few decades ago in Indian cinema, there were as much as thirty songs or more in a few of the films.
This style of telling a story gradually changed. Presently there are about six songs in a film and usually the hero and the heroine sing songs in the love scenes. The songs are usually sung by prominent songsters and the actors and actresses just give lip movements. Kissing on the lips is not allowed in Indian movies. In reality no Indian sings songs in demonstrating his love life.
Nevertheless, the Indian film songs are melodious and quite enjoyable to listen. Some songs in films are presented so beautifully that we can watch those scenes and listen to the songs any number of times (just like watching “bad’ of Michael Jackson)
You will find one such great song video under;
India had produced great music directors like S.D. Burman, R.D. Burman in the past. Some of the prominent music directors who dominate the Indian cinema currently are A.R. Rehman, Ilaya Raaja and Haris Jeyaraj.
I am sure you will agree with me that you will love Indian music and Indian film songs.