While most Americans have been caught up since the election of Barack Obama with the increasingly downward spiraling economy, and Mr. Obama’s solutions, which haven’t been solutions at all merely attempts to supposedly bulk up Wall Street and the “global” economy at the American public’s expense, as a former 45 year Arizona resident who is now in political exile due to the increasing negative consequences which had occurred over the course of years due to the “free trade” and open borders agendas, some interesting information came to light.
The information was publicized separately, but the connection is now unmistakeable.
Before former President Bush left office, he entered into the NAFTA agreements and also an initiative with Mexico, called the Merida Initiative that promised millions of dollars to the Mexican government in order to assist in the “fight” against the drug cartel activities which have intensified on America’s southern borders.
I don’t know that they have “intensified” at all, actually, since for as long as I can remember those drug cartels have operated cross borders almost with impunity. A few of the distributors in Arizona occasionally were the subject of focused groups throughout the years, but for the most part the cartels have been running drugs back and forth during the entire time I lived there.
Although in prior years while I was growing up, the “drugs” were not mostly heroin, meth and cocaine as they are today for big bucks and profits, but pot and hash. Mexico Gold was well known since the climate in Mexico is a little more tropical in most areas than that in the U.S. and thus for those that did imbibe, the quality better and not mixed with other agents as was found in the domestic varieties here in the United States.
It appears that part of those Merida monies were promised by Ms. Clinton in providing the Mexican government with several of our fully equipped Black Hawk helicopters. And also upgraded technology on the border for the use of their border agents.
In other words, this “free trade” is not “free trade” at all, but simply foreign aid given to Mexico in order to front them the monies in order to buy Silicon Valley’s latest gadgets, similar to our own now at the ports of entry. Part of the “Security and Prosperty Partnership” agreement signed by Mr. Bush, Mr. Foxe (who has been replaced by Mr. Calderon) and Mr. Harper of Canada also during the Bush Administration. While we were, of course, also in a foreign engagement in Iraq also at the time feeding Silicon Valley also for the costs of the weaponry and communications systems from that engagement.
In other words, the American taxpayers in the form of those inflationary taxes which increase in lock step with our deficit “loaned” Mexico in the form of foreign aid the sums to buy Silicon Valley’s gadgets.
While Ms. Clinton was then in China negotiating our foreign trade debt to them.
Of course, while the U.S. is also China’s largest export recipient, and due to the outsourcing done by America’s largest retailer and one of their auto manufacturers, also job creator. And ditto Mexico, who also has a large GM plant in Mexico City, and in most states, largest “insourcer.”
While the domestic GM workers, of course, were given their pink slips. And the reason given that the U.S. economy was so poor. Gee, I wonder why?
In essence, American are paying not only personally in the jobs now lost to foreign countries and governments, but are actually paying those wages for that outsourced labor, and also picking up the tax for the domestic products now bought by foreign governments.
California and Silicon Valley venture capitalists didn’t front those “loans,” we all did. While then also lobbying for the digital cable bill with merely an offset of a credit for the installation of the boxes on American’s televisions.
And without those export and import taxes levied on these transactions, American’s then also picking up the tab for the Custom’s inspections and updating of equipment needed from Silicon Valley for those needs.
And California this year claimed bankrtupcy?
I guess the state government also has a “free trade” agreement with that industry also.
Oh, that can’t be right. The wheeler dealers that arranged for all this are mostly foreign investors, so those taxes were simply passed on and paid by the American Silicon Valley workers.
America. No longer the Land of Opportunity, but the Foreign Opportunists.
And brought to you by none other than the 545 (535 “misrepresentatives, nine Supreme Court justices and one president) of their Board of Directors members on Capitol Hill.
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