The Arm-Chair Politician

As of many of my fellow America’s I flip to my favorite news sites on daily bases, after reading about them you have a conversation with whomever shares the interest, and as an arm-chair politician we have all the answer. Everyday the same topic  seem to appear but never are resolved; Federal Deficit, boarder security, joblessness , tax, etc. As arm-chair politician here is my opinion.

This process will be painful but it has to be done.

Social Security will be discontinued for anyone  not board as of 1/1/2012.  This day could go to 1980, as anyone born after this date has time to recover. They system unfortunately  will need to continue to be feed until there is a no one collecting so our children will fill the burden.  However,  there will no be a requirement to put of 6% or more (you set any extra) of you annual gross into a account for your retirement. This can be a government  held account or a approved account. These accounts can not be touched until retirement and that is the money your are entitle to upon retirement. Since these are personal accounts they can be passed  on thru inheritance.

The Federal Deficit will take a few  more tweak s then  social security. Private interest groups are a large problem of being able to fairly  run the country, and no matter what you do they will always be here. Step one to cut the special influence we will have to ratify the 17th amendment . The Senate is no longer choice directly by the people, they are choose by the house, which is choice by the state legislative body. This force people to pay attention to there state level politics and force special interest to have to buy off a state and not one person.  All federal deduction will cease to be deducted from your paycheck, except state tax, which you can directly elect the officials that will be setting those.  However, because the government does need to bring in income a NVA Tax will be imposed, this has almost eliminated IRS, someone needs to monitor the NVA Tax.

Joblessness is a real issue and what America needs to do is make this a place that company want to be. If all your business is based in the US then no business taxes. If  your primary employment is on US soil you will only pay 2%. Then a scale base on % of work done with in our boarders.

This next step is marijuana is now legal, however it is still illegal to grow it. You will have to be license to grow/sell it and it will be tax heavily at a all level of government.

We can lighten the problem at the board by opening the boarder.  However, any act of crime if you have not citizen will be treat as a act of terrorism.  To work in this county you will need to obtain proper paperwork, if a knowingly, there will be a central database with picture/fingerprint that every employer can access and verify the paperwork of  the  person they are hiring. If the do not show due care they will pay a penalty of 1% of gross income. That is gross income not gross profit.

Larry Reynard:
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