They are all inter-related and all have to do with how one views oneself. If you don’t like yourself you will never treat yourself well…ironic how you can be you and not treat yourself well, you would think that would would treat yourself better than anyone else in the world but that is far from the case. It is like we have two selves, we have the inner self which is the real us, our minds, thoughts, interests, desires, ambitions, and then we have the external physical us that everyone sees everyday and that we see in the mirror. It is this external us that causes us self-loathing and results in self-destructive behavior since the mind is dissatisfied and frustrated with its outer shell.
Only when both sides, the inner self and the outer body except and appreciate one another can a productive peace, or at least truce, be reached for the whole person. This allows the body and mind to work together to act productively, confidently and with a sense of purpose that is not easily swayed of external influences of distraction.
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