Telepathy is communicating with a person through thought.
You can learn telepathy through practice.
Practicing to learn telepathy consists of eight specific step exercise.
Using these eight steps in this exercise to properly improve your
telepathic skills is a great method to really learn telepathy.
>> The first step to telepathy is be present. Being present is the
hardest and most important key to telepathy. You should not think of
anything else. Your mind should be completely in the now or the
present. This opens up the channels to connect energy frequencies.
>>The second step to this exercise which enables you to properly
learn telepathy is to sit down with the person you want to connect
with. Lay several different colored pencils between the two of you.
>> The third step of this exercise is to decide who will be the sender
and who will be the receiver.
>> Once that is decided than you can go on to the fourth step. This
step involves the person who is the sender to select a color from
among the colored pencils in their mind. Then the sender should try
to send the color they selected to the other person. It is important for
the person who is the sender to say the word start out loud once
they’ve concentrated on sending the color to the other person.
>> The fifth step of the exercise is to have the person who is the
receiver to look into the mind of the other person. They should be
able to pick up on the correct color.
>> During the sixth step of the exercise the sender should tell
whether or not the receiver has saw the correct color. If the person
was incorrect than the sender should try again and say the word start
>> The seventh step of the exercise is the sender sending the original
color again or starting the exercise again with a new color in mind.
>> The eight step of the exercise is to switch sides and repeat the
exercise over again non-stop for the next ten minutes.
After ten minutes you should take a break or end practice for the day.
It is important not to drain energy when learning telepathy.
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