Categories: OpinionUS

The BP Disaster: Or Hey, Judas – You Better Make It Better

After watching almost a month now of the British Petroleum continued oil spill, and the excuses and buck passing once again being played out for the masses by the BP executives, Halliburton and all those Washington politicos, the fact remains that 11 American lives were once again lost due to foreigners and non-Americans.

Foreigners that somehow gained access to the mineral rights of the U.S. oil reserves progressively, in both Louisiana and Alaska (and who knows where else).

During any of this discourse, or Obama’s highly publicized visit to the Gulf region to view the damage and measures being taken by the British to contain this spill, has there been any mention of that erstwhile U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, in filing criminal charges against those foreigners on behalf of the American people for negligence, and committing a "crime against the nation" even?

I mean, lots of pictures of oil covered wildlife have made the media, but what about the 11 men whose lives were lost?

American men hired for mostly manual labor for that cheap labor the British bankers also use to manipulate the world’s economy in their favor, be it American or Mexican, actually were killed in this explosion.

Has the Queen so much as made an appearance, or statement with respect to this disaster, or the British Parliament?

Or the bankers?

We are now 30 days into this disaster, and not a peep other than excuse after excuse without THE fundamental question being asked.

Why is Washington and the State of Louisiana whose shores and wetlands have now again been compromised due to clear lack of even the minimum of regulation over those foreigners drilling into America’s coastline even "outsourcing" America’s oil reserves to foreigners to begin with?

Just where do they have the authority even to so do?

With America in a continued war in the Middle East that also clearly involved securing our presence for those "needed" barrels, this scenario is beginning to be quite clearly ludicrous. How many Brits are over in Iraq or Afghanistan at this point in this "war" primarily on their behalf, since it is the British that actually primarily held "mineral rights" over a great deal of Middle Eastern oil before British Petroleum was officially "privatized" in the late 1980’s.

Where is the media in calling for the criminal sanctions and actions which are clearly called for here.

I know, 11 deaths aren’t quite as newsworthy as, say, a 9-11 disaster.

Nor is it as close to home, New York, nor are those Southern manual laborers’ lives, rather than Wall Street financial wheeler dealers or New York’s finest police and firemen apparently quite so worthy of redressing.

Having a highly publicized bass guitar and piano fest with the Missus, Paul McCartney, and a host of other Washington elites singing "Hey Jude" in the midst of this crisis isn’t going to cut it.

Hey Judas, make it better.

Where are you Mr. Holder and Mr. Jindal?

Do you work for the American people, or the British?



Betsy Ross: Betsy Ross is an American Constitutional Conserve-ative, former legal professional and long term resident of Phoenix, Arizona and writes on U.S. federal and state issues aimed with a Constitutional perspective on the blog, www.backupamerica.org.
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