The British Novelist Doris Lessing Considers Winning Nobel Prize as a Disaster

The British Novelist Doris Lessing won the highest literary award, the Nobel Prize in the year 2007, at the age of 88.She considers that winning the award has been, ‘a bloody disaster’

After winning the prize, the increased media attention and diversion, has meant that writing a full novel is next impossible. Lessing told BBC Radio 4’s front programme in an interview that all she did was giving interviews and spending time  being photographed.

Lessing, already 88 said that she would probably now be giving up writing novels altogether. Born on October,22, 1919, to English parents in Persia, is famous the worldover for her books like the Golden Notebooks, Memoirs of a Survivor and the Summer Before the Dark.

The winning of Nobel Prize has certainly affected her writing output and she said that it has stopped and she didn’t have any energy any more. And that is why she kept on telling anyone younger than her, not to imagine that you would have it forever.They should use it while they have got it because it would go, it would be sliding away like water down a plughole.Lessing ended her formal education at 14 years of age.

Lessing’s latest book is Alfred and Emily, a partly fictional memoir.She did not attend the prize money in Stockholm last year due to ill-health and was presented the award in Britain by Swedish ambassador Staffan Carlsson.

It is pathetic that the Octogenarian Nobel Laureate, already in her post 88, has got a peculiar problem at her level.Why can’t she get secluded herself from the media attention and  fully concentrate on her remaining writing career ? Had she not absented herself from attending the prize ceremony at Stockholm.? Who will complaint against an Octogenarian Nobel Laureate ?


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