While the world is smarting under food crisis, according to a new research undertaken by WRAP, a non-profit organization that works to reduce waste and recycle more making better use of resources and helping to tackle climate change, released on Thursday, revealed a startling news that the Britons waste food worth at least 10 billion Pound Sterling every year.
The amount of food wasted in Britain could easily feed millions of hungry the world over. Britons throw away 6.7 million tons of food each year, when most of it could have been eaten. This amount is equivalent to filling Wembley stadium with food wastes 8 times over.The average household in Britain throws out good food worth 420 Pound sterling every year.
For the average family with children the food wastage is higher at 610 Pound sterling.
More than half the good food thrown out, worth 6 billion Pound Sterling a year, is bought and simply unused.As much as 1 billion Pound Sterling worth of waste food is still ‘in date’ or has not passed the expiry date.
The amount of wastage is so high that, according to calculations by the researchers, each day 1.3 million unopened yoghurt pots,5,500 whole chicken and 440,000 ready meals are thrown away.