The C.I.A. Tapes and their Fate.


The C .I. A. Tapes and their Fate.

24/12/2007 —-     The Central Intelligence Agency has been poking their nose into another countries affair before the time of cold-war where perfectly they were not wanted. Now the secret video- tapes between 2002 to 2005 has become the headache of the Bush Administration about what to do with them. The secret interrogations, mainly on AL, Qaeda operatives were displayed which in the current and former intelligence and men of Administration took direct part. The involvement of White-House Officials   and Bush’s Lawyers are asked to solve the problem and whiten the face of Bush Administration. According to official source, Vice president Dick Cheney, present Chief of Staff John B. Bellinger 111,       then lawyer of National Security Council, Albrto R. Gonzales and other big guys assembled to decide what would be the fate of the tapes? Will they be destroyed or kept. A group of officials of White-House were against the opinion of destroying the tapes though they feared that the involvement of White House Administration might draw a foul smell. The idea of destroying made a conflict between Agency’s official and Administration. Then, a responsible senior officer taken direct part in interrogations voiced that a group of White-House magnates had some weakness for the tapes and they did not want to destroy them. He did not dare to disclose the magnates. Their fear is perhaps for the episodes of Abu Ghraib may be brought to light with more severe complicity. The position of Bush Administration might be blackened in the international eyes. The prison of Iraq and it’s international impact had become a nightmare hunted them till now. Another group of White –House asserted that no in the House advocated for destroying the tapes. Now the inquiry is under way. The justice department is said to start an investigation . The lawyers of Bush, though did not give any direct instruction , either to destroy or to preserve. In the excuse of inquiry no one, in Vice-President –office or C.I.A. were found ready to quote the names. One en lighting development has off late taken place. A federal judge passed a hearing order into whether the destruction of tapes violated an order to keep documents intact as evidences. It is for a lawsuit brought on behalf of sixteen prisoners at Guantanamo Bay,Cuba. Those important tapes are the burning evidences of brutal interrogation used on Abu-Zubaydah and Abd-Al-RahimAl- Nashiri, two Al-Qaeda personnel inC.I.A.. custody in 2002. A name came floating that was Rodriguez.Jr, the former chief of agency’s clandestine branch who ordered to annihilate the documents of their brutality. The now and then officials pointed out to that person might have shouldered the responsibility. He is believed to have cabled a order to destroy the tapes. The two prominent lawyers ,  is said, stretched their supporting hands  to that officer to perform the destruction. They confirmed the officer by written confirmation that he had all rights to destroy them and that would be according to law. They had packed him from behind. The officials said  that Mr. Rodriguez and two lawyers had informed the chief lawyer concerning the destruction. But their claim was not supported by any authenticated sources. The lawyer of former chief, Mr. Robert. S. Bennett, told that his client was authorised to do so as he had earned that power to destroy and nothing unlawful was done by his client. The tapes were kept in safe volt of C.I.S’s restricted post in the country and it was told that integration carried on there. A great confusion and hullabaloo were observed about where the fairy tapes were garaged. The Intelligence officials and others began to deliver diverting statement about where about of the tapes. No one confirmed where the classified documents were homed. It is known that C.I.A. used to influence to destruct the tapes for long , from about 2003. They apprehended that the tapes might create leakage problem and bring legal stepping.   The four top-notch lawyers of Bush are paid responsibility to discuss over the tapes’ fate and what to do next. After all, tape has created a cry need of discussion to Bush administration.   

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