The Deepwater Horizon Disaster: Shades Of More To Come?

While Mr. Obama wades around the sandy beaches of Pennsacola, and prepares for his tongue lashing, finger pointing, sleight of hand  speechifying scheduled for this evening over the Deepwater Horizon disaster that left eleven Americans dead once again at the hands of foreigners, it doesn’t appear that the true redressive steps are being taken, nor the right questions being asked.

British Petroleum, a British based global corporation and one of the largest in the world, held the mineral rights to the well involved in the explosion through its lease with the U.S. government for deep water offshore drilling rights to America’s oil reserves off the coast of Louisiana.

Quite clearly, there was little or any regulation over this global concern and their practices, or else there was much "looking the other way" involved by those government agencies that would have been charged to oversee that foreign based corporation’s practices which would have most likely prevented the explosion which occurred, the second in which BP has been involved in during the last decade – the other at an oil refinery in Texas – and those men might still be alive today.

Eleven Americans died, but thus far most of the news and media attention has been focused on the ever widening expanse and coastline that this horrendous spill has now impacted, rather than the American lives that were lost at the hands, once again, of foreigners.

I know, those lives that were lost were simply eleven, most likely redneck Southern construction workers, not on the level of the 9-11 disaster and lives lost of those global bankers, firefighters and police officers from the Big Apple.

These were people instead from the Big Easy, or thereabouts.
Southerners and Southwesterners mostly.

Where’s the Hollywood telethon on this one, for those eleven men’s families, and those poor oil slicked pelicans, turtles and the like all of you in LaLa Land?  Why aren’t you scheduling that star studded event?

The globalism and "go global" agendas of those in high seats of government throughout the world is quite clearly adversely impacting this country in the body counts by the decade.

Most of our nuclear reactors at this point have been "privatized," and shares now sold over the global market and stock exchange, a fact becoming more widely known as incidents such as these, and those airline terrorism attacks now that shares of our airlines also are sold over the global stock exchange, continue to make the headlines and which incidents were nonexistent prior to the huge push toward merging all nations economies, and this "global economy" and big businesses focus in competing in this global economy as a result.

Which is, after all, diametrically opposed to the sovereign America our founders created, and is quite regressive in its agendas.

Although the Nuclear Regulatory Agency is charged with oversight of our nuclear reactors, the fact that these privately owned now  "public utilities" could at this point, especially with the ever declining dollar and U.S. recession, literally be owned by foreigners makes the mind boggle at just what impact such an accident might have at possibly Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, the largest and a mere 50 miles outside the Phoenix metropolitan area.

Just what is Washington smoking at this point?  Or reading? 

The Communist Manifesto or America’s Constitution?

It will be interesting to see what kind of prepared speech Mr. Obama has addressing this disaster, and if mention is made of the 11 Americans who were victims of this disaster, or whether most of the focus will be on setting up his "escrow" account to pay off the claims of those who have been affected in the various industries and for clean up monies, and more of a PR appearance on behalf of BP in publicizing their efforts and willingness to escape the American court system, and establish a fund for any and all directed impacted.

But what about the indirect victims – the American people, and the families of those eleven killed?

This explosion and its results is sure to be the basis for hikes in gas and oil prices at the pump, and also higher prices for that Gulf seafood that is become more and more scarce the wider this oil tsunami spreads.

No formal charges or investigations, it appears, are being widely reported insofar as criminal negligence charges against BP or some of those executives or governmental officials personally for the loss of lives of those eleven men, nor does it appear that BP’s lease rights will be rescinded for any further explorations along America’s coastline, or investigations of their practices along the pipelines in Alaska – for which they also are or were major leaseholders.

Which might explain the push for Sarah Palin also and her sudden appearance on the national scene this last election.
Does seem a little coincidental, doesn’t it? 

And wonder how much BP has donated to state and federal campaigns across the board – although as a foreign domiciled corporation, clearly those that received and accepted such contributions should be hauled up on not simply ethics charges, but criminal charges.
Foreigners "sponsoring" candidates in this country? 

The founders are not only spinning, they are levitating.

While, of course, instead of exploring the reserves "owned" by the American people which would result in cheaper oil and gas prices for the domestic variety (and not owned by U.S.A., Inc., with Congress and the President a Board of Directors, since "trading" our mineral rights or leasing to Great Britain a non-renewable energy source much needed in the U.S. definitely was not those founders intent), we are over in Iraq fighting to secure our presence there for those purported needed more expensive barrels, and in which it just so happens that the biggest news story today is about a massive mineral discovery made by U.S. geologists in Afghanistan.

Appears our standing army in their "pursuit" of bin Laden has been put on hold again, and does appear that our occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan more and more does appear to have ulterior motives.

I wonder who is truly directing this farce of a show?

Stay tuned, since it appears the after this evening, most Americans will need either nose plugs, or that sea sickness medication, Dramamine.

It was reported today also that Wall Street had a small rally, due to the increases which occurred in the European markets – a market that increasingly is benefitting from the U.S. recession and deflation of our dollar by most of those British bankers that manipulate the world’s economy, by and large, by the day.

What’s that saying – that it is easier to conquer a country from within, than from without – especially in this day and age.

I mean, I think we have trained half the military might in the world, especially the British and Canadian troops, many of those Canadian troops are now based in the U.S., or going to some of our finest military academies as are a greater and greater number of foreigners.

And especially such a likely scenario seems possible with the assistance of "sponsored" and appointed representatives by Britain – I wonder how many are sponsored by China or Germany, since we know a bucketload of them are sponsored by Israel and Britain now – to facilitate the process with those "foreign" campaign donations.
And how convenient it appears now that the Supreme Court "accepted’ that "Citizens United" case, clearly in order to further the global and U.S. corporate dominance in America’s election process and the march toward global socialism, diametrically opposed to the intent of this nation’s founders from the outset and their clear "war" against the East India Tea Company – the AIG, BP and U.S. Chamber of their time buying influence through the "sovereign" gain of both political parties and their "corporate" politicians particularly who have hijacked America’s election process at this point fundamentally.

AIG, and now BP.
While Mr. Obama reassures the British publicly that in no way would the Deepwater Horizon incident affect this country’s loyalty and alliance with Great Britain.

I wonder how the families of those victims felt upon hearing that on the local news?

In fact, this little incident and blip it was reported merely delayed his scheduled appearance and next road trip to Australia, another British holding.

And Britannia rules the waves in more ways than one.

Both on land (air waves) and on sea (continued drilling and mineral rights to America’s oil reserves).

I wonder how many bridges the British own or lease in this country, and whether that one in Lake Havasu, Arizona they didn’t want and we got as a hand-me-down has been inspected lately?

Betsy Ross: Betsy Ross is an American Constitutional Conserve-ative, former legal professional and long term resident of Phoenix, Arizona and writes on U.S. federal and state issues aimed with a Constitutional perspective on the blog, www.backupamerica.org.
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