Psychology is named to be as the study of the human behavior, and the human behavior involves in different fields of human activity. This is the reason why the study of psychology further branches into different fields of application.
These fields of psychology are the Physiological psychology, the Developmental psychology, the Differential psychology, the Educational psychology, the Abnormal psychology, the Clinical psychology, the Industrial psychology, the Social psychology, the Vocational psychology, the Legal psychology, the Human Relation, the Mental Hygiene and the Engineering psychology.
Physiological psychology involves and deals with the study of the biological factors that shape the made-up of humans. This field of psychology is concerned about the relation between the human behavior and the different sense organs in the human body.
Developmental psychology caters with the scientific study about the changes that happened in the individual over a period of time. It also studies the factors that are responsible in bringing these changes. The study of the developmental psychology usually involve with the inquiries with regards to the individual’s behaviors from his or her prenatal to his or her senescence or old age.
Educational psychology deals with the application of psychology in different areas of learning, in memory and in individual thought.
Abnormal psychology involves in the study of different behavioral disorders. These behavioral disorders are things like the abnormalities in an individual’s perception, emotions as well as in the individual’s memory. The study also includes neurotic behavior such as hysteria and compulsion as well as psychosis like schizophrenic and things like manic depressive disorder.
Industrial psychology is the psychology that is applied in the field of work. This psychological study is beneficial in dealing with job training methods, the reduction of fatigue among the workers, the efficiency of the work behaviors, the motivation of the workers as well as in the aspect of advertising and selling.
Social psychology deals with the study of an individual’s relationship towards the society. This involves his or her attitude and behavior towards the family, the neighborhood, in a particular group or in the community. It also caters with the study of the behavior of crowds, audiences, races and many else.
Vocational psychology is concern on determining what kind of lifework an individual is fit into. It tries to discover the aptitude of an individual for a particular study or for a particular occupation.
Human Relation is the branch of psychology that concerns about the harmonious relations that take place among people.
Legal psychology is the branch that deals with the factors involving crime and delinquency.
Mental Hygiene involves in the study that deals with the methods or the methodology of how to care for the mind in order to avoid mental disturbances.
Engineering psychology involves with the management of the work as well as the human factor. This branch of psychology is concerned about the adaptation of humans to the equipment and facilities that is being used.
Related: People in the branch of Legal Psychology have most likely taken forensic psychology courses to prepare them for a career in criminal justice.