A handler’s reservations about a visitor or intruder should be acknowledged by the dog as cause for concern. The handler can be apprehensive and this should be interpreted by the dog that is expected to respond accordingly.
An old cardigan or a piece of sacking will fill the bill. Most dogs enjoy a little tease to bite at such an article.
When teasing the dog with the sacking he must always seem to be winning until human resistance ceases. Let him win easily to start with, make it fun, laugh and kind him along.
During all of this activity, the sacking should initially be held in both hands (although some dogs prefect a single-handed approach) then developed into the right-handed holding of the sacking. It may well be natural for right –handed people to do this but the naturally left-handed person should also develop into the right-handed approach. As training progress it is the right which should be the focus attack, this being the usual weapon-carrying hand. However, the normally left-handed training `criminal’ can have advantages as his free left arm can be more accurate in his own defensive tactics.
When, a friend takes on the function of the tug- of- war opponent a little best introduction. In this way ha can be taught by encouragement to bite hold and pull.