Categories: Lifestyle

The Eagle Flies

Tonight I am going to AU’s basketball game.  They are publicly presenting the NCAA banner.  The coaches asked Tr to be there.  I am glad Tr is home now. I miss my family and my friends very much whenever they are away.  3 months is the longest T has ever been gone from home.  He will be home now for at least five weeks, maybe a bit longer. Things are going well for him.  I am thankful for that.

Bl is getting baptized on Sunday.  I love roadtrips and I am excited that we are taking a roadtrip to Richmond.  It is cool listening to a friend of mine on the air when we go through Fredericksburg.

A is in grad school at NYU and continues to work.  A and L are terrific together and we are so thankful that God blessed A (and all of us,) with L! I am excited that A and L, B and T will be home for Thanksgiving!

I am still keeping very busy with speaking, writing, and helping at the hospital and literacy in DC.    Teaching Tony to read is still such fun and I have had a wonderful time as Cheryl and I teach the computer class to the seniors on Fridays.

 I hope this finds all of you well.  You are in my prayers each day.  As winter nears, please keep safe and warm.  The Lord loves you!  Peace be with you all!

Amanda Lay: I'm a speaker, freelance writer and tutor.
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