Modern industry is paralyzed by confusion regarding money. This fact causes production costs to increase and therefore purchasing power lowers. People are apt to pass on the costs and the least powerful people lose big. Meanwhile the most powerful people sell short and reap unconscionable benefits as everyone scrambles to make sense of the chaos.
Why? It may come as a surprise to some that the reason why is answered with a simple look on the path that money takes as it travels through the social being. Money starts out one place, goes to the next place, and eventually money returns to the first place and this is why money is called currency. Money currently flows through a loop or circuit. If a problem exists, as it apparently does for some, the likely fix isn’t going to be imagined, constructed, and enforced into being by the people who profit from the chaos. That would be a very unreasonable thing to expect and this realization leads to the actual fix.
It may be under-stating the obvious to say, now, that the reader is ignorant about what I am now going to propose next. This is my way of illustrating the nature of mysterious money. When some of the people know what comes next, those knowledgeable people have power over those who are ignorant about what is next. Add to that premonition power another power and the obvious problem will no longer be a mystery. When someone has the power to make the next thing happen there can be no doubt about knowing what will be the next thing happening.
Such is the power the people give up to the people who issue monetary currency. They, the powerful ones, know. We, the power-less, do not know. They profit. We pay. That is the problem, even if you will not see it, it is the problem and therefore the fix is the reverse of that problem. It is that simple.
When people gain the power to issue their own currency, when that actually does happen, the people will profit from that issue and the only ones who will pay will be the current legal criminals who took that power from the people. This is too much knowledge arriving too soon for many people who currently live on our small planet. This knowledge is too powerful for some people and that is why the problem remains to be a problem. That is not going to remains true for long.
Many signs are proving how the change from the old power situation to the new power situation is happening now and one of those signs happens to be too obvious to ignore. I’m speaking of something that everyone knows and everyone must account for every day. The price of oil is going up.
Oil is the stuff that empowers the American Dollar and the people who profit from the issue of the American dollar know this fact even if the people exploited by the American dollar do not know it. Therefore the obvious problem, the currency problem, is reinforced by the oil factor. Too much dependence on oil power is the same problem as over-dependence on the dollar. Eliminate both and the illustrated fix is impossible to miss. I am going to illustrate the fix very soon.
Here is where I illustrate how the problem will be fixed and the problem includes the problem of legal torture and legal mass murder. I hope the reader is not too scared at this time. I trust that the honest people will listen and judge for themselves, even if they are scared. Such is the way things work. The illustration is simple and the reader is encouraged to use a little imagination along with some logical deductions or brain power to see the problem and the fix for what they are and not what we are led to believe by those who have that power. The illustration, once seen, will illuminate much that was previously hidden from view.
Don’t despair and prepare for some enlightenment. It won’t hurt unless you are currently invested heavily into torture and mass murder. If you are currently heavily invested into torture and mass murder it stands to reason, to me, that you have already stopped reading. If the next power having the power to issue new currency offers the people two new products, the fix will be fixed and the legal criminals will all have to find productive work, where they are forced to please their customers, just like every other honest person earning a living, and no one has to hang for their current crimes.
The two new products will at first be too simple to take hold and that is a very sad thing to consider from my end since I’ve been there and it was sad at that time. Now I know that the realization will arrive slowly and irreversibly for the reader so my confidence is high and my outlook is positive. The two products will be listed and then I will make a short ending comment. The reader can be powerful from then on. It, my friends of liberty, is a po
wer that only honest people share and it always will be that way. Product one is a new issue of currency that can be used to pay any tax. The only people who can get this new currency are people who need the currency to pay off an existing mortgage for their home or business. The charge for purchasing this new issue of currency will be the necessity of paying back the currency in full after 15 years or 30 years time. If the customer needs one hundred thousand dollars to pay off his home mortgage it is a requirement to pay all that money back. Here comes the part that will blow the reader away.
The new currency will not cost any interest for the borrower who has a long history of good credit up to this point in time. Chew on that awhile. Product two is another loan that can be used to pay taxes and this second product (another loan) is only available to anyone who will construct or consume renewable energy products such as Solar Panels, Wind Generators, or Electric cars. The loan must be paid back and the charge of this loan is one percent interest on the loan to everyone borrowing the new currency.
Take a break. Have a cup of coffee or a beer. Have a glass of wine. Be happy about it. We are living beings. We earn our living. Now consider the possibilities and know that the first product will gain a huge market share of all the customers borrowing loans currently floating around this planet earth and therefore the second loan will pay for all the time and energy required to provide these loans since the number of people involved in this new venture will be enormous and know how things work when working with enormous numbers of people paying one percent interest on loans.
Do the numbers yourself. The amount of profit is staggering. Do not fear for the provider of these loans. They will do well. They will grow rich on one percent interest. They will not get rich enough to take over the world; not at one percent interest. We will. We will prosper and so will posterity.
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