The Global Sourcing Summit Evaluates Economic Effect Of Japan’s Earth Quake On U.S.

The Global Sourcing Summit held recently in Florida hosted tomanagers and executives from the top outsourcing countries. Steve Forbes, who spoke on the subject of Japan’s natural disaster at the conference, implied that there would be an adverse effect on the impending recovery taking place in the U.S. Forbes is the editor in chief of Forbes Magazine and the chairman of Forbes Media. 

The outsourcing industry views the calamity in Japan as the worst to hit the country since World War II. The bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki created devastating realities for the people of Japan from the nuclear fallout. Forbes told the representatives of the industry that there were ways to minimize losses and improve strategies in the aftermath of the Japanese crisis. He also suggested ways for companies to overcome global challenges that would ensue. 

The Global Sourcing Summit is held every year by Sourcing Interests Group (SIG). SIG is comprised of Global 1000 outsourcing executives. 

Forbes continued to say that a knock-on effect would be natural on the U.S. recovery, since Japan is a huge market for foreign goods and it has a global supply chain. Although Japan’s economy is often thought to be at least partially isolated from other economies, this would not be the case for the outsourcing industry. 

SIG creates a uniquely distinct environment in that it offers a non-competitive platform for outsourcing firms, vendors and consultants. SIG is involved in enhancing the bottom line and creating networks and forums for improved business. SIG hosts two summits each, one held in the spring and the other in the fall  – the Global Sourcing Summit and Global Leadership Summit in the fall. For more details on SIG, www.sig.org.


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