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There is much grosser misrepresentation of the Mullivaykkal massacres to neutralise the effectiveness of the initiatives before the UNHRC sessions in March 2014. Readers are encouraged to critically examine the pieces ‘Sri Lanka, contemptuous of the UNHRC threatens Tamils with more Mullivaykkals’ – Ground Report 27 Jun 2012 and ‘Those critical last days of the conflict – Indian journo Reddy witnesses it (Mullivaykkal) all’ nation.lk of 29 Dec 2013. The Rajapakses are fully convinced that the Mullivaykkal pain on Eelam Tamils was more than adequate that SL’s threat to unleash more (100) Mullivaykkals will be most effective psychologically in dissuading Eelam Tamils into abandoning their campaign seeking UNHRC’s actions to deter the Rajapakses from its genocide pursuits.
The UPA2 Delhi haunted by the Rajapakses’ ‘in the loop’ weapon responded with its SL appeasement policies specifically to protect Sonia/South Blockers from being incriminated for complicity in the devastating Mullivaykkal massacre crimes of the Rajapakses in May 2009. Delhi has actively pursued its SL appeasement policies ever since but fearing that its appeasement policies are losing its shine evident in SL playing truancy over its 13th Amendment the international community sponsored war crimes initiatives in the UNHRC and elsewhere were progressing strongly. To counter this the Rajapakses are again reaching out to the sectarian South Blockers including its media apologists to fine tune the ‘in the loop’ strategy to justify Delhi /UPA2 continuing with its appeasement policies beyond March 2014. SL is also now most concerned about the demise of the UPA2 rule in the 2014 elections. This implies that a re-invented Mullivaykkal story has to re-assure Delhi that its appeasement policies still has merits in making a convincing case before the March 2014 UNHRC sessions that Mullivaykkal was not as horrific as it is made out to be by the West. Likewise In May 2009 itself B Raman and Shenali Waduge acted in concert to down play the civilian casualties that were as horror some as parleyed by the West’s conspiracy to discredit SL.
However the Reddy’s Mullivaykkal story attempts to convince the international community on Delhi’s deeper involvement in the massacres that Delhi partnered in the SL Mullivaykkal massacres/war crimes. Though this line is un- Indian the sectarian South Blockers and its media backers especially the Hindu group had no hesitation in making claims that verges on betrayal of India.
Readers will observe that the South Blockers’ neo-version of the Mullivaykkal story given in the ‘Indian journo Reddy’s story is extensively doctored that the killings in Mullivaykkal on behalf of Sonia, the South Blockers and the Hindu media group led by the Lanka Ratna medal winner, Ram is too sketchy, narration sequence deeply flawed and time frame of the killings given is grossly inaccurate. Reddy claimed that he was the ‘only foreign journalist’ allowed into the war zone. breaking news ..(not vetted by SL)…part of a group of journalist from The Hindu/Frontline…the ONLY foreign print/electronic media allowed access…moved with the 58 Division…headed by Brig Shavendra Silva… often 300 to 400 metres away from the last battle zone…allowed unfettered and unhindered movement..unlike embedded journalists of the Gulf War.. (Reddy only covered the) ‘Last Hours’…70 hours…between May 16 to 19…last batch….of those fleeing when LTTE (from)….May 10 …allowed (civilians) to move out of the LTTE stranglehold..Intense battle…17 May…22 hours…1000 wounded…no mention of any 40 000 civilians inside… (is) proof…the number.. (is) .concocted ..’.
The credibility of Reddy story bringing down the number of civilians killed in Mullivaykkal to almost nil belatedly (5 years late) on the 29 Dec 2013 narrative is suspect when the number 40 000 is long in the public domain. The eminent ex- IPKF, G Parthasarathy in a Jun 2013 narrative ingeniously explains that the 40 000 civilians killed are the human shield casualties of the LTTE. Reddy/ Parthasarathy have much in common as South Block apologists; parlaying half truths. Noteworthy that Reddy who claims he made contacts with fleeing civilians from Mullivaykkal from 10 May makes no mention of the hackneyed human shield logic of the South Blocker G Parthasarathy.
On the other hand much of the Mullivaykkal killings now accepted and in the public domain was the result of the painstaking work of humanists Gordon Weiss, Francis Harrison, Channel 4 Charles Petrie ‘and a whole list of others. The South Block apologists dismiss them; reason they were not eye witnesses and not anywhere near the war zone; opting for Reddy ‘the eye witness throughout ….’
The information on Mullivaykkal in the public domain is corroborated by satellite pictures, above all video clips and oral versions of front line SL army men. The videos were taken from close proximity not Reddy’s 300 to 400 meters away. They were to be trophies for the soldiers but were encashed using the human rights activists who were assembling evidence for nobly pursuing SL’s war crimes for humanitarian reasons. Hence the euphoric Rajapakses gloating over their success in the battle front using Dellhi’s RAW and auxiliaries; thousands of men, heavy armour and fierce fire power that were shown in SL’s victory parade in the Colombo streets) to produce the horror of the massacres. The horrors however provoked public revulsion in the international community (not the Delhi partner) to successfully pursue the SL crimes before the UNHRC.
The Rajapakses exploited the foolhardy adventurism of Sonia/the ‘in the loop’ South Blockers and their media apologists to get Delhi embroiled in SL’s genocide crimes who applauded SL for its victory over the Eelam Tamils ‘terrorists’. When the severity of the SL action in Mullivaykkal dawned on both Colombo and Delhi, Gothabhaya promptly announced Delhi’s role ‘in the loop’ partnering in the massacres. Now Reddy revelations point to Delhi media collaborators along with RAW and battle hardened men operating freely in the front lines protected by their hosts. Hence the South Block media apologists extended Delhi involvement in Mullivaykkal to beyond RAW‘s over flights giving co-ordinates of the enemy positions with or without civilians before giving the go-ahead for massacre regardless of whether the civilian numbers likely to be killed were or not acceptable to Delhi.
Once the severity of horror dawned on observers; that triggered international action that the euphoric Rajapakses, Delhi South Blocker and their apologists’ strove to dilute the severity of the Mullivaykkal massacres especially the killing of over 40 000 civilians. It is on record that the Rajapakses/Delhi’s South Blockers also fiddled with the number killed figure in the UN or agencies, thanks to South Blocker tentacles (Ban/Nambiar) operating in the UN offices.
The Rajapakses adept in successfully recruiting apologists/paid scribes especially from amongst the mercenary anti-Tamil South Blockers to complement the incapacitated home grown apologists to muddy the truth placed before the world by the humane NGOs worldwide. Readers are bound to be shocked that Senali Waduge/B Raman pair in May 2009 itself were jointly critical of the ‘professionalism of the UNHRC and its mandated Human Rights bodies operating under the UN auspices’ to dominate the debate for a Delhi and many UE countries to vote in favour of SL congratulating it for successfully eliminating the Tamil resistance and unleash the iconic horror in the narrow beaches crafted by MK Narayanan ‘no fire zones’. B Raman earned his ‘tom toming’ title when he openly quoted his ‘tom toming’ sources as evidence of the low killings countering the evidence assembled by Gordon Weiss, Francis Harrison, Chennel 4, closely working with the UNHRC. Reddy berates them as self promoted witnesses… (While).. there was a witness throughout.. Mudaliyar Reddy…of the Hindu/Frontline… This is atypical of the Hindu media style of debating when readers were no longer prepared to rely on ‘tom toming’ evidence to deal with grave crimes such as massacres.
The last five years of UPA2 rule benefitted both the Rajapakses and also Sonia/South Blocker Delhi that was styming the UNHRC’s initiatives. This encouraged the Rajapakses to indulge in a game of truancy that doomed the UPA2/DMK as political forces in India despite the South Blockers efforts to breathe life into policies to save them from war crimes.

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