The Koran (or Quoran) meaning `reading’) which is in the Arabic language speaks of his teachings, there is only one God, Allah. God has no equals; God should not be worshipped in any form (or image). Every Muslim (one who has surrendered to God) must be God’s servant. He should be honest and respect his colleagues. All men are equal. A laborer’s wages must be paid before the sweat of his labor dries up. The traders should not cheat. Every one must spend a part of his earning as charity. The practice of usury was opposed by him.
Every Muslim:-
A) Must believe in the `Kalima’ (there is only one God and the prophet in his messenger),
B) Pray (perform `Namaz’ five times a day turning towards the direction of the Kaba,
C) Must fast during day time in the holy month of Ramzan,
D) The rich must give alms (zakat) to the poor and
E) Is obliged to perform pilgrimage (Haj) to Mecca. These are his main teachings.
The `Khalifs,’ (the prophet’s representative) became his successors. The Prophet was followed by a) Abu Bakr
b) Omar
c) Usman, and d) Ali- in that order as Khalifs.
Mohammad brought up Ali, his uncle’s son, and later got him married to his own daughter Fatima. Ali became Khalif.
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