“The immigration policies of President Obama are having a devastating effect”, says Senator Jeff Sessions

Sign in Minnesota  says it all!

On August 5, 2014 Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama asked for and was granted permission to address the issue of immigration policy in the United States:

“Thank you, Mr. President. The facts are plain, colleagues. The immigration policies of President Obama are having a devastating effect on the classical American goal of a fair and lawful system of immigration, one that serves our national interest. He has directed the Federal immigration officers not to enforce plain law. He meets privately with pro-amnesty, open borders, and special interest business groups and promises to take even more actions in the future to erase plain law. Unfortunately, our fine law enforcement officers are excluded from the discussion. I have asked that they be involved for years now, and the President has flatly refused.

The President’s actions evidence no policy or guiding principle that is sustainable. Now the heretofore largely covert actions by the President are open and blatant, and he has announced them. He has told the world that with the stroke of his pen he will, by Presidential directive, by Executive order, provide legal status to 5 to 6 million people unlawfully in the country today–all this contrary to long established law. But there is more. He has said he will issue, in effect, legal identification cards and work authorization.

Surely we know the President cannot make law. Congress makes law. As Chief Executive, the President executes, carries out, and enforces law. This we learned in grade school. This constitutional construct is not a small matter; it is the mechanism by which this Nation conducts its governmental business. Through this method, the people control their government.

Allowing any President to nullify law is a threat to the future of our Republic and to the ultimate power of the people to control it. That is why I have urged the President to reconsider this point and to adhere to his plain statements, where he has expressly stated he did not have the power to do what he now–in a complete reversal–states he will do”, said Sessions.

Source: Congressional Record http://thomas.loc.gov/

Note: In January 2011, Senator Sessions was appointed to be the Ranking Member of the Budget Committee. Sessions also serves on the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Subcommittee on Airland. He also serves on the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs, Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security. 

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