First and foremost, I will debrief about the history of Roman Catholicism and the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther was dissatisfied with the current structure of the Catholic Church, and he started a reformation to attempt to transform the Catholic Church. Quote: “Many western Catholics were troubled by what they saw as false doctrines and malpractices within the Church, particularly involving the teaching and sale of indulgences.” These false doctrines and malpractices are still being performed in the Western Hemisphere. (See Section 4) A typical malpractice is the praying to Mary, the mother of Jesus, and praying to saints, like Matthew, one of Jesus’s disciples. The typical Catholic’s excuse is that he or she is asking her for something that will further assist them in his or her life, for he or she believes that since Mary and the saints were very important figures in the Bible, that they have a quick path to God. First of all, that is incorrect, for it is a sin to pray to dead spirits, for it is demonic. Secondly, if the Catholic claims that he or she is a Christian, then there is no such need for the begging of intercession from Mary or the saints, for the real born again Christian has an automatic connection to God, so he or she needs just to pray directly to God. Another malpractice is the use of “holy water.” Holy water is non-existent, unless it is ordained by God. The “holy water” Catholics use is fully futile and useless.
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