Categories: Opinion

The internet has gone too far with some websites

Has the internet gone overboard by allowing websites to post recipes on making drugs. Is this the big problem with contributing to the evergrowing drug problem in America. If you actually Googled for recipes to make drugs you will pull up at least a couple thousand websites on how to make crystal meth. One site in particular www.crystalrecovery.com/pages/cooking.html (WARNING:Photo on page is graphic-a victim who got trapped in a house explosion that was once a meth lab). The internet permits this kind of senseless nonsense to tell people how to produce and manufacture street drugs and yet this country spends endless amounts of money trying to fight the war on drugs. Why are we encouraging the further increase in drugs coming into society and putting more addicts out in the world. These sites need to be shut down because it’s sending the wrong message to children about doing illegal and extremely dangerous stuff since using crystal meth is one of the most toxic and dangerous drugs because of the ingredients used since they use everything from Ephedrine used in over the counter allergy medication, Sulfuric Acid used in stuff like Drano and other drain openers and trichloerothane which is used to clean the inside of handguns and rifles.
Some of these chemicals can be found around the house or any Home Depot or farming supply stores. The air quality and environmental conditions are so deplorable that it can make a house so toxic it’s unsuitable for cohabitation and yet the people who have meth labs on their property also have children and animals living there. Yet you can hit up Google or any search engine on the internet and find countless sites that have recipes to produce these street drugs and it’s like people are continuing to contribute to a rampant problem that’s draining the resources of the DEA and other agencies that work to convict and incarcerate drug czars and high end dealers. It’s a never ending battle to keep things like drugs off the internet, but when you got people establishing websites to promote recipes and full fledged instructions on how to set up, cooking and cutting the drugs, and what supplies you need to set up the lab. This is why kids will be likely to try and experiment drugs and even going as far as producing the substances.
This is pretty serious if the internet has allowed websites such as these promoting drug production. Google and other sites should be informed to remove these sites from their directory because it’s possibly the cause of many kids and adults using the information for terrorist and illegal activities. If the search engines online placed a stipulation that any website that is being submitted for consideration that the content is not going to contain information that could be used in the aiding of illegal, criminal and terrorist activities or the IP address can be logged and reported to law enforcement for possible prosecution. This may lower the numbers of illegal activity and other criminal enterprises establishing themselves when they don’t have any readily available information to go on when the sites are not available to access for such information. It’s gotten to the point that it even offers information on how to make bombs and explosives. This has to stop somewhere how are we as a society going to put an end to giving access to information for people to use for illegal and terrorist activities. Letters to Google and other search engines should address these concerns.
Nafeesah Abdullah:
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