Habibullah, a 28 years old boatman of Bangshai River, in Savar. He is the third generation of his family living in this territory. He was explaining us the comparative figure of their area before and after the urbanization project by establishing numerous factories and industries on the bank of River Bangshai.
According to Habib’s opinion, the environment and social structure is violently hampered after the industrialization in this area. A huge number of people of some profession like fisherman had nothing left to work. As a result a large number of people are getting jobless. On the other hand those industries are also providing job, but the payment system there are extremely low to meet out needs.
The wastage left from the factories is polluting the water which is affecting a large number of abdominal and skin diseases to the people of that area. Habib also told us that, in their area the majority people are “Hindu” who are actually a bit solvent than the other communities to set up a tube-well in each and every house. But unfortunately referring some illogical religious binding they disagree to share that pure drinking water source with the people of other communities. That is why the marginalized minority people are facing a unbearable problem of drinking water.
Overall the industrialization might have good affect on Country’s economic Independence, but the sufferings they are facing over there are quite enough to diminish the human society or environmental equilibrium of that very area.
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