All good and well to declare this century the century of dialogue. Physical violence, we’ve had enough of that. It doesn’t solve any problem, and only creates more violence. But what about the more subtle forms of violence?
Recently, we could read that 7 million people died of pollution in one single year. That is much more than the victims of war in the whole 20th century. How is it possible, this can happen? Do we really have so little respect for all that lives?
It seems to be so. Even though there certainly are cultural differences in the meaning of respect, globally speaking a very dangerous view on life and living seems to get the upper hand. One cause for this problem is clearly the debating game. Important decisions are being taken by those who are so well educated in the art of debating, that in the end they debate everything, to the point where the most essential basic principles of nature, ethics, and law are forgotten. In the application of those decisions, serious crimes are being committed…. without even recognizing such as crimes. In the process, weapons of dialogue are being used such as deceiving the other party together with telling the public lies, blackmailing the other with economic sanctions, threathening with violence, and ‘interpretation’ of clearly defined laws that change rights into duties; justify crimes as punishment; and turns about everything upside down. A country does no longer belong to the people, but to some system. Technology does not longer serve us, we serve technology and pay with our lifes. Andsoon.
The number of deaths, caused by false diagolue, indoctrination and oppression with/of verbal means, is obviously much bigger than the number of victims from direct physical violence. So, if this is going to be the century of dialogue, then we seriously have to agree on basic principles that are not debatable: Like human rights, the rights of the children and the protection of the environment, to start with clean water and clean air. And governments seriously need to get rid of the totally wrong view that most of their citizens are criminals, who should be controlled. Instead, they have to use the realistic view on a human being, as an active individual who rather gives than takes and rathers helps than is being helped, and whose interests the government should serve.