The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

For a dog that can only say that it is the smallest out of the retriever family, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever can probably also say that it has the longest name out of the retriever family….

The NSDTR (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever) is a dog that is known for his happy go lucky nature and for being a good dog that you can depend upon and unlike some dogs, this breed makes a perfect pet that even the most inexperienced dog owner would be willing to take on; they are good with the inexperienced and the experienced alike. This dog has a gentle nature and a toned down way about him, even though he is energetic and happy all the time.

One sure thing: he loves to play! Like all good retrievers the NSDTR’s favorite games include retrieving (doesn’t matter what it is!) and swimming. Because of this dog’s gentle nature, care must be taken to avoid a timid dog. For that reason, early socialization is important, also plenty of activity is equally important. This is a breed that needs plenty of mental stimulation to keep him happy or else you will end up with a destructive dog and that is something nobody wants, especially because these are dogs that just have it in their nature to chew.

As I mentioned, this is a dog that loves to play which also automatically makes him a dog that likes to socialize and please his owner. It can get strong headed occasionally, but the general report is that he is an easily trained dog that likes to make his owner happy, the truth is that this breed is so intelligent that he has a tendency to get bored easily, so when you are training him you will probably have to make it interesting, be confident in yourself and let the dog know what you want in a firm calm voice when he is acting up (never scream at him…this does not produce good results).

For the people that love to plant and work in the garden, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever may not be the right dog for you because this is a dog that loves to dig and if he sees you working in the garden then he will just have to help you out…and you might end up with your garden totally destroyed (a work of art in the dog’s mind).

The NSDTR is a dog that is a little wary of strangers and he will bark making him a decent watch dog, but this wariness does not extend to his family, he loves children and usually gets along well with other pets as well.However, do not depend on this dog to guard your house because he will never do any actually guarding, he is simply too gentle of a nature for that.

Just a hint…you might have noticed from the above that this is a breed that needs an active family.

As I said, this is a medium sized dog with a nice intelligent expression, he has a beautiful close fitting wavy, silky coat that will need brushing every now and then. The color of the coat is shades of red with white markings, he can weigh about 50 pounds and can reach a height of about 21 inches.

Because of the way that the coat is, you will need to brush it at least twice a week and also keep the hair around his bottom trimmed for cleanliness sake, keep the ears nice and dry so that there is little chance of infection…it is not much work and if you do it, you should have a gorgeous healthy dog!

This is a dog that came from Canada to hunt and retrieve duck (hence the name), although it is over a century old, this dog did not become registered with the AKC until 2001. Weird huh?

If you are looking for a puppy, always look up a good breeder that will be able to show some sort of health guarantees and ensure the health and breeding of his puppies; it might mean a little more money but it is worth it knowing you did your best to get a friend that will be with you his whole life

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