Categories: Politics

The Obama Infomercial Verdict

‘American Stories, American Solutions’, Barack Obama’s 30-minute closing statement to the American public, was unleashed tonight across every major television networks except ABC. 

The video, embedded here and on www.BarackObama.com, showed stories of five American families, all facing struggles symbolic of the most pressing issues in the country: the economy, social security, healthcare, and education.

A softly-lit Senator Obama, styled to look presidential before the bay windows of his wood-paneled, flag-adorned study, acted as narrator, weaving the stories together and punctuating their themes with his policy promises.

Along with the everyday Americans, senators and CEOs made pitches on Obama’s behalf, including Google’s Eric Schmidt and former Democartic candidate Bill Richardson, who spoke movingly.

"This guy is special because I think he can bring people together," began Richardson. "This is a man who can heal this country."

At times the film was touching, beautiful and raw; at others the video felt anti-climatic and forced.  In his Faux Oval Office, Obama appeared part telemarketer, part B-movie actor. 

Overall, it was safe, a very long campaign commercial.  Shots of blond children waving American flags and veterans being friendly.  No negative jabs at the opponent, but a somber, sentimental tone in looking at the crises that face the nation. 

A more hopeful portrait of America may have left a brighter impression of the candidate. Instead we see a mother struggling to feed her children, an elderly couple that can’t afford healthcare, a 72-year-old forced to put on his Walmart hat and go back to work. But this is what America is facing right now, and what she fears.

I only wish they had given Obama the chance to be seen in his best light: speaking directly to the American people in a clear voice, without retouching.

Indeed, the most energizing moment came at the end, as Obama broadcast live from a rally in Florida with Joe Biden. 

Obama’s magnetism is always evident. He closes by addressing the auditorium where he speaks– and millions across the country:

"America, the time for change has come, to all of you and to those who join us form across the country."

"In six days we can choose hope over fear, and unity over division, and the promise of change over the status quo."

"Together we will change this country and change the world."  

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