The world beyond observable reality, and it’s ultimate source, is abstract; it is that which sustains all. It cannot be conceptualized, but as we are humans, we cannot keep ourselves from doing so. We want pictures, a story, words to communicate with others. Yet as soon as we do so, these stories divide us and before we know it, we have associated things with the unseen, assigned partners to what we consider true, and created different concepts, different truths.
So wise man after wise man, has again and again warned their people to see through those concepts, to stop worshipping idle forms. No matter which written down revelation we take, though their words and their concepts might differ, the message is ever the same: To go back to the content instead of the form, which is doing good and repelling evil, submitting in humbleness to the fact, ultimately there is something that cannot be known.
This would be the way to peacefully coexist without oppression. Oppression is interference in peoples private lifes by forbidding harmless choices, and forcing harmful choices upon them. Religious dogma may easily manipulate us into oppressing others, by increasing our arrogance and pride, so we are convinced we know better, and by playing on our need to feel safe, by having an authority to take our decisions for us, so we follow in blind obedience. The defense against oppression, is therefore education that teaches humbleness – to conquer arrogance and pride – and self-confidence to conquer blind obedience.
The problem is, humbleness and self-confidence seem to be contradictory. Yet they are not; they are the middle way between self-doubt and arrogance. They are based on honesty, seeking truth from facts, and genuine concern for others. Therefore, we have to quit foolishness of mind, so we are able to investigate reality with true insight. Then faith and reason are complementary, instead of competing, and we are able to return to the simple religion of love and kindness, oneness of humanity, tenderheartedness, forbearing, clemency. Being examples of virtue with strong hands and powerful vision, following the oldest religion as it has always been taught to mankind.