The Plight of the ‘Transgenders’

  They are neither males nor females, but a class of their own, called ‘Transgenders’ who need our sympathy, support and above all the much needed recognition of their fellow human beings.

  The Transgenders though born either as males or females, due to their predominant masculine or feminine physical features i.e  a person born as a male but with predominant feminine features and a person born as a female but with predominant masculine features, become ‘Transgenders’, by undergoing surgery to that effect, even by inviting the wrath of their own family members, at the risk of getting ostracized and isolated from their families and the society as well. In the result the ‘Transgenders’ look exotic, with a predominant male voice but with all the characteristics of a female or vice versa.

But the ‘Transgenders’ are also human beings having their own rights just like other fellow human beings, guaranteed by our constitution, especially the fundamental rights like the right to live anywhere else in India, to profess any religion, to practice any profession and the right to equality, education etc.

  But the main difficulties and hardships faced by the ‘Transgenders’ are from their own fellow human beings. The first and foremost is the lack of recognition, even refusing to acknowledge and treat them as human beings. It is a pity that the Transgenders are not allowed to mingle with, either with the males or females, while the males mingle with the females or vice versa. The reason being that the transgenders enjoy low esteem and looked at with askance  by their fellow human beings.

  Despite of having been guaranteed with fundamental rights, the ‘Transgenders’ find it difficult to pursue their education, to practice a profession of their choice, to do any business known to them. In the result, they are often forced to become ‘Sex workers’and to live under the dark.

  Of late, the ‘Transgenders’ claim that they are widely recognized in North India but they face all sorts of problems and humiliations only in South India. They have also boldly come forward seeking the support of the Government, treating them as a class of their own, demanding the provision of civic amenities like separate public lavatories as has been provided in the western countries like US, granting of loans by the banks etc.

  It is a pity that we are humane towards animals and have enacted laws to prevent cruelty towards them. But we have failed to realize that we are neglecting our own fellow human beings called ‘Transgenders’ .If we are not able to make up our mind to mingle with them, let us just recognize them and  treat the ‘Transgenders’ as human beings and  realize the fact that they also have all the rights in this world, enjoyed by us.



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