The Power of Pyramids Rediscovered

The Shakripeeths, or Energy Centers, that have been planned by Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swamiji in Haridwar and Mohari village in Kurukshetra are an extraordinary concept.

These will be great institutions comprising of latest equipments for MRI, X-Ray, Ultra Sound etc. and wards for indoor patients. The patients who have exhausted all avenues of treatment but to no benefit will be treated under the supervision of Gurudev and his team.

For treatment of such patients, huge Pyramidic structures will be built. The patients will get natural magnetic energy through four sloping walls rising to great heights and meeting at the vertex.

Such huge structures were made by Egyptians in ancient times to keep dead bodies of their emperors which did not perish for thousand of years. Such is the power of pyramids.

Gurudev has rediscovered the power of Pyramids. Hence he has planned to erect such Pyramids in the Energy Centres which are currently under construction.

Humanity should be grateful to Gurndev for filling the great vacuum for the treatments of people who cannot afford large amounts of money on their treatment. Those who even cannot afford medical policies will be treated in these centers designed to heal through abundant spiritual and magnetic powes.

These Shaktipeeths in Pyramidic shape which will be charged with powerful Costmic Sound Secrets. These buildings will have special properties to deflect any type of costmic radiation that fall on its peaks as the sun rises and travels downwards through its baseline at the bottom. When the deflected cosmic radiation will come into contact with earth’s magnetic field, a new powerful BIO-ENERGY will be created.

The vertex of the Pyramid will work as an antenna to absorb cosmic energy. The person sitting inside the structure will absorb these positive radaitions and the negative energy which he has accumulated throughout life will flow into the earth, where it will be converted again into positive.

The Pyramid will have the power to attract radiation from planets and stars, in such a way that the physical energy of cosmos and spiritual powers of Kumar Swamiji will merge into each other. Natural polarized refracted electromagnetic waves from Aurora Borealis will also enter into pyramid to improve the aura of a person, which will be proven through kirlian photography, that will clearly show the difference in size and quality of one’s aura after he has spent time with in the structure. Prabhu Kripa Pyramid will attract the powers from sun, moon and other stars, representing the power of entire cosmos. It will be left on the individual to test the veracity of this truth by himself in a scientific manner.

The people visiting the centers will have to stay there for 5-7 days. Almost all the modern facilities will be available in the center at Haridwar to make one’s stay comfortable. The person will have to sit for 15 to 30 minutes each day continously under the pyramid. He will be medically examined on arrival and departure. At this juncture, person will know that problem that he was suffering from has been eradicated completely. There will be live tests of divine powers and cosmic secrets withthe modern age instruments.

Prabhu Kripa Energy Centers will also comprise of complete medical wing with state of the art modern equipments. It will also be rendering its charitable services to the needy mankind in case of emergency. The emergency rescue services by ambulance of the center will cater to 50 km radius initially and will be further extended in due time.

Prabhu Kripa Energy Center has also reserved ten acres of area for research and analysis of medical herbs. The research team of ayureda will analyze the effects of herbal aromas on visitors and will later present its findings to the world.

Kumar Swamiji:
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