“The President needs to devise a comprehensive strategy to degrade ISIS”, says Senator McCain

ISIS fighter twitter picture of captured US Army Humvee “liberated” in their words from Iraqi Security forces. Unit cost per taxpayer $140,000.00. 

On August 7, 2014 U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) released the following statement on President Obama’s announcement of humanitarian aid to Iraqi civilians and military strikes against ISIS in Iraq:

“The President is right to provide humanitarian relief to the Iraqi civilians stranded on Mount Sinjar and to authorize military strikes against ISIS forces that are threatening them, our Kurdish allies, and our own personnel in northern Iraq. However, these actions are far from sufficient to meet the growing threat that ISIS poses. We need a strategic approach, not just a humanitarian one.

 “A policy of containment will not work against ISIS. It is inherently expansionist and must be stopped. The longer we wait to act, the worse this threat will become, as recent events clearly show.

 “We need to get beyond a policy of half measures. The President needs to devise a comprehensive strategy to degrade ISIS. This should include the provision of military and other assistance to our Kurdish, Iraqi, and Syrian partners who are fighting ISIS. It should include U.S. air strikes against ISIS leaders, forces, and positions both in Iraq and Syria. It should include support to Sunni Iraqis who seek to resist ISIS. And none of this should be contingent on the formation of a new government in Baghdad.

 “If ever there were a time to reevaluate our disastrous policy in the Middle East, this is it. Because of the President’s hands-off approach, the threats in the region have grown and now directly threaten the United States. We are already paying a very heavy price for our inaction, and if we do not change course, the costs of our inaction will only grow.”

Source: Press release Senator john McCain http://www.mccain.senate.gov/public/#


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