As I look at the problem of suicide, the one common theme or element running throughout almost every case I examine is a pervasive sense of hopelessness and despair on the part of the individual involved. *
Suicide therefore can be seen as a desperate act to escape some intolerable dilemma or problem.
Many of these people reach a point in life where the future holds nothing but anguish and despair and they see no other way to escape but by killing themselves. This is particularly true in the US military where soldiers serve back to back deployments overseas.
I know that at one time or another most people experience problems and painful events in life. Yet most are able to tolerate the pain without committing suicide. Why?
For most people, a willingness to tolerate pain, including psychological or physical pain is predicated on two conditions:
1) The first is tolerance for pain is possible only when one believes that it is temporary! But when people loses hope and believes that there is no end to their suffering or pain then they may see suicide as a viable solution to end it!
2) Second, is a core set of values that gives that person a sense of purpose or meaning in life, despite the suffering and pain. To endure it no matter what!
See article: Suicides in the Bible are acts of extreme despair
For most soldiers, for example this takes the form of a ‘positive “trigger” they pull when times become tough and they want to quite or give up. For some its as simple as a picture of their sweetheart or girlfriend back home. For others its a picture of their newborn baby they carry around in their helmets. Still other prefer a St. Christopher medal, Bible or Quran.
Its this sense of purpose or meaning in life that often times plays a critical role in whether or not a person ends it or not by suicide.
Likewise a letter or break up or divorce can force a soldier over the edge, especially in combat.
Recognizing the warning signs is critical and seeking out help are determinant factors in overcoming thoughts of suicide.
* Thinking about hurting or killing yourself?
* Looking for ways to kill yourself?
* Talking about , death, dying and suicide?
* Self destructive behavior such as drug abuse…etc.
* Hopelessness, feeling like there’s no way out?
* Anxious, agitated, sleeplessness, mood swings?
* Feeling like there is no reason to live?
* Rage or anger?
* Engaging in risky behavior without thinking?
* Increasing alcohol or drug abuse
* Withdrawing from friends and family?
Call us if you experience any of these warning signs: 1-800 -272-8255 Veterans Crisis line
* The only exception is Islamic suicide bombers who fall under the category of brainwashing or influencing by others, usually under the guise of religious rewards of martyrdom. See article: Suicide forbidden in Islam