Steps towards maturity
The true growth of an individual is revealed through his response to his own self, his life, towards the other people and towards God. As he grows in life he should be aware of his potentialities as well as his defects. Only from this stems the feeling of self-respect. There are many people who do not accept their imperfections. Their desires and ambitions far exceed their abilities and principles and so their growth remains stagnant psychologically. It is our duty to accept ourselves as we are and make a consious effort to improve rather than camouflage our shortcomings.
Maturity or growth is a long process, which goes from self-discovery to self-confidence. A person must be self-reliant inorder to face life and its challenges. Those who lack in this quality freeze into inactivity by their own fear of failure. They tend to see problems and difficulties in every opporunity. A matured person is self-confident, but withut any arrongance. He never looks down on others. Self-confidence can be developed by discoverning and developing personal abilities. Each new achievement brings more courage and confidence. Taking interest in work, health, family and friends indicates great maturity.
A person who grows in a healthy way gradually develops his ability to think for himself, to make reasonable descisions and to assume responsibilities for the same. Thus a matured person gradually moves from dependence to responsibility. Matured persons respond to people by getting involved and serving the need of others. They become responsible human beings by serving not only themselves but also all those surrounding them.
Growth is thus a smooth continuious process. It involves self-discovery, self-reliance and performing one’s duties in a responsible manner. It leads to adjustments and acceptance of life. It involves awareness of oneself, others and above all of the greatness of God.