Being a good citizen and always paying off the credit cards. Using credit cards responsibly. Paying the bills on time. Paying your taxes and mortgage on time. I am not the only individual who fell in this category. This was the right standard for most Americans. The federal government on the other hand, was helping the wrong people all along. It is no shock to me why the nation has bad credit and people can barely pay for food and housing. Credit Companies, banks, and lenders have taken advantage of our people and their illegal ways have been approved by the federal government. We are the ones that have been abused, Yet the "BAILOUT" was for them. How fair is that. We must act as a nation. Everyone should cut up their credit cards. Do not let these predators continue to feed on you. These excessive rates, fees and all the bologna, kiss it goodbye. Kiss your exaggerated bill goodbye, too. And then harassing phone call, kiss it goodbye as well. What about your credit score? The banks are not giving loans to people with good credit. There is your answer. This is the time our families needs come first. Hold on to the job you currently have. If you have savings, hold on to it. You are your own bank now. If you have a bad mortgage and the lender will not negotiate the rates and terms. Kiss the mortgage goodbye. Find affordable housing for you and your family. Try to cut expenses as much as you can. You are not alone in this battle. There are millions of people without jobs. This is a serious time and we need to stand together. The federal government now is playing "good guys" and say are trying to do something to help us. Don’t forget they allowed and promoted this mess in the beginning. We must work together and have our voices heard. Take care of our loved ones, and trust in the Lord who is in control of everything.
The "Credit Crisis "The American BAILOUT plan"
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