In light of the ongoing oil catastrophe in the Gulf Coast and recent coal mine explosion in West Virginia, experts and citizens agree the recent oil spill in the gulf coast might easily be seen as the nation’s worst environmental catastrophe in history, affecting wildlife, land, and fishing industries across the gulf and even up the eastern seaboard.
Diane Tegarden, environmental journalist and author based in Pasadena, discusses the benefits of using renewable energy in preventing future environmental dilemmas like the Gulf of Mexico offshore drilling explosion.
"When we use fuel sources like coal, oil or gasoline, we are using outdated, inefficient, dangerous technology that can be replaced by bio fuels, ocean energy conversion, wave energy conversion and wind power. It takes the same amount of money to invest in the newer, cleaner ways to generate fuel and electrical energy as we are spending on traditionally generated power."
Tegarden, who researched how renewable energy efficiency technologies will provide power without contaminating our land, water, and air, and will help curb global warming pollution, for her book Anti-Vigilante And The Rips In Time ( FireWalker Publications, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-0974536910 ) a science fiction novel set in the future, said: " As we see how the BP oils spill is quickly devastating wildlife, it’s a unique opportunity to look at the future and start to think seriously about changing things for the better."
" There is money to fund traditional energy, so why not invest in clean, safe bio-fuels? The shrimp and oyster harvest are ruined. It’s taken people to be impacted by the loss of their livelihoods to force us to demand a different energy source," says Tegarden. In Anti-Vigilante And The Rips In Time, Tegarden draws upon what’s going on in the planet, in terms of environmental catastrophes, in order to create what Tegarden terms, "a preventable vision of the future."