M.N Srinivas (1962) pioneer of sociology in India has used the term ‘westernisation’ to indicate the change, which took place in
The following are the characteristics of westernisation,
(1) Morally neutral : Modernisation is generally considered to be good but this is not so with westernisation. Westernisation has been for good as well as evil. In fact westernisation in normally neutral.
(2) Limits of Westernisation: A distinction has to be drawn between westernisation and western culture. All the elements of the western culture didn’t originate in the west for example, Christianity originated in Asia, the decimals system originated in
(3)Wide, complex and multi level concept: It substances all changes which are consequent upon western technology and modern science. Secondly it has had varying impact upon the different aspect of the culture, hence it is a complex concept. Thirdly westernisations have affected society at different levels.
For example in olden days people used to eating it in thalis or banana leaves in squatting position but now they are using dining table with all its accessaries. While westernisation has had very wide impact, there has been resistance to it in some sequences. Thus westernisation has had variable impact on the Indian society.
(4)Conscious unconscious process: Westernisation has not been incorporated willingly everywhere in
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