The Spanish Advantage? Low National Debt

Thanks to Spain’s low public debt, Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero feels that his country will be able to put into effect new stimulus plans needed in the near future should current measures fail. During an interview with major financial newspapers he stated that he feels Spain has plenty of room regarding national debt.

Other European countries have already put in place new stimulus plans and Mr. Zapatero feels that there should be a "wait and see" time through at least the summer as those plans have already started to have an effect on the European economy. In the event that the stimulus plans of other European countries not help Spain’s slugging economy, the Spanish government would then implement its own stimulus package.

Mr. Zapatero would like Spain and the European Union to focus on green energy to help not only climate change but also the economy. Adding that reforms regarding green energy would also help create new jobs and lower the dependancy on foreign oil.

angie ortega:
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