Of the 8 lakh hectares of coconuts in India 7.2 lakhs hectares are in Kerala with an annual yield of, 3980 million nuts-the highest in India. The state is also a major producer of areca nuts. From pre historic times to the present day Malabar has been famous for its spices. The annual yield of pepper and of cardamom is 25000 tones and 1200 tons respectively.
The state of Kerala grows more than 90 per cent of India’s rubber, the plantations covering 1.8 lakh hectares. The output is 1.15 lakh tones. Tea and coffee are other important plantations, the annual production being 41500 tones and 13600 tones respectively.
Tapioca is a very important food crop; nearly three lakh hectares are under it with a yield of 46 lakh tones. Kerala produces 1.15 lakh tones of cashew nuts and has a monopoly in processing. Kerala’s forests extending over 10.55 lakh hectares rank second to Assam’s. about 600 species of timber are found, the more important being teak, rosewood and ebony. Softwood, essential f or the match and plywood industries, is also grown here.
Coir and fisheries are two major traditional industries. The former provides jobs for 3,00,0000 people. With its coastline of 573 km Kerala produces from the sea 3.8 lakh tones of fish, more than 30 per cent of India’s total landing. It exports 24,000 tones which includes frozen shrimps, frogs’ legs and dried prawn pulp.
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