The story of a remarkable man

The story of a remarkable man. Curt Ward, who was Mr. Allder’s deputy for two years, said that he had a remarkable ability to organize and keep track of multiple things simultaneously while dealing with complicated budgets and contracts. He also had a photographic memory and never had to write anything down, family members and Ward said.

William R. Allder, Jr. spent 33 years as a distinguished visionary and leader in the geospatial intelligence domain. As director of NGA’s Strategic Transformation Office, he led the transformation of the industry from a paper-based, people-intensive production environment into a digital industry utilizing the best commercial government capabilities and, as a technology manager, developed large, complex systems worldwide.

Prior to coming to NGA, Allder was a well respected leader at the National Oceanic Service and the U.S. Geological Survey, as well as the Defense Mapping Agency and Central Imagery Office – both NGA predecessor agencies. He played an integral role in standing up the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, which was renamed NGA in 2003.

Allder passed away in 2005 (died of a heart attack May 7 of that year at Inova Fair Oaks Hospital).

Learn More » http://go.usa.gov/Areh

See related article: William Allder Dies; Key Figure At Government Mapping Agencyhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/…/…/05/11/AR2005051101923.html

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