Having traveled daily for the last few months in Indian buses, i cant help but notice that my fellow travelers can be split up into a few categories…
the first and the most common, the sleepy types…
every morning and evening, u can find these folks dozing away to glory starting 1 min after seating themselves upto 1 min before the bus stops in the terminal… sometimes, accompanied by load snores keeping their neighbours awake
the ‘iPod/Music Player is the best companion’ types…
one of the most common types… in fact i guess about 75% could fall under this category… get into the bus-plug in your earphones and be completely oblivious to the happenings around you… many times, may also fall under the sleepy and the voracious readers categories
the phone yakkers…
these are usually more irritating than the snoring-sleepy-types… are on the phone from the min they get on to the bus (sometimes from before) and keep talking until the moment they get off the bus… the worst part is that they’re completely oblivious of the fact that their entire relationship (most often, the call is with their gf/bf) is being broadcast all over the bus… of course i dont wanna know what you or your gf/bf is gonna do tonight, tomorrow night or any night for that matter… so try to keep it down if u must talk
the voracious readers…
these are the least irritating types… most often, keep to themselves and their books… start reading when they get into the bus and continue until they get off… no snoring, no loud yakking on the phone, basically no discomfort to fellow travellers
the ‘deoderants are for sissies types’…
well, they’re not… especially when u’re in a closed environment like in a bus and when u’re sitting so close to people who dont even have a choice to move away… i think the company doesnt pay us too less… so please try and afford a deoderant… for public convenience
the ‘bus is my restaurant’ types….
these guys seem to have absolutely no time to eat ever during their entire office hours… bus is the only time they seem to get to eat… dont blame them though… but the problem is the litter… all the habits of ‘keeping your surroundings clean’ seem to stop at the exit of gate 4/gate 6.
the head lollers types…
this category is an offshoot of the sleepy types… make a very funny sight… head moving down slowly and suddenly realisation dawns and the head is back up straight… process repeats until the sleep is over… but some of these folks bang their head into their fellow passengers every once in a while… and sometimes, are sleeping so heavily that they never realize this.
the ‘i just need someone to chat with’ types…
these type of people are very very few in number but do exist… they begin talking to neighbours about random things… just strike up a conversation… and if you give a encouraging reply, rest assured, u’re not allowed to sleep for the rest of your journey
the ‘i got lotsa work, so dont wanna waste time’ types…
these types are mostly the grown ups (i mean people in higher job bands) armed with a lappy… a few minutes into the journey and the laptop emerges; mails are read and replied to, mails are composed and saved in drafts, excel sheets reviewed, few calls are made, few changes made in the mails; basically, work never seems to get done for these folks…
the ‘PDA is my birth-right’ types…
No, i’m not referring to the gadgets that contain all your appointments, mails, etc… i’m referring to the syndrome known as ‘Public Display of Affection’… well, i’m not a stuck up guy lost in my retro-thoughts… but, there’s a time and place for everything… and a company bus is certainly not the place… just because they’re sitting in the corner of the rearmost seat in the bus, doesnt mean that they’re invisible… so please try to keep it decent… although very few in number so far, trend seems to be catching up
P.S. 1 : Each person could belong to one or more category or some new categories which i’vent listed out. You’re welcome to suggest more
P.S. 2 : No offence meant to any person, travelling in the Infy Buses sleeping or awake
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