In the Christian world trinity is a whole lot more important and meaningful as it is expressing divinity. Whereas, the world of deprived souls and the lesser mortals have their own triumvirate of misery and that is “The Trinity of Agony.” The explanations could be the following:
Bad and Repressive Government: 1. immoral, 2 dishonest, 3. succumb to graft and corruption, 4. influence peddling, 5. egotistical, 6. violates established rule or statute, 7. violates civil liberty or human right and other abominable acts in conformity with the force of darkness.
Social Displacement: 1. lack of education, 2. lack of skill, 3. lack of employment, 4. lack of access to the system or to the mainstream.
Poverty and Hunger: 1. lack of shelter, 2. lack of food, 3. lack of government support program, 4. lack of population management program. These problems are keeping the people of Third World Countries impoverished in their lifetime.