What are True American’s? And where can you find them? Ever wonder about this? Most people have asked themselves this question, but probably never out load. True Americans can be found simply by looking in the mirror. We are all Americans, not African-american, Asian-American, Hispanic-American or Native-Americans. If you were born in the United States of America, then you are an American. Now if you where born in another country and moved to the United States and became a United States citizen, then you have to right to be called African-American or Asian-American. I was born here is the United States and have a mulitude of races that I belong to as a direct result of herietery and have never claimed to be anything other than an American. And so, to all those claim to be anything other than a True American, go back to whatever country of the race you are claiming.
- 16 years ago
George Ellis
The True American
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