Recently, I received a text message saying: “Stop drinking water left or stored in the car because the heat causes the alleged release of cancer-causing chemicals from the plastic bottles into the water.”
TRUE or FALSE: Does heat really cause toxins/dioxins to leak from plastic?
FALSE. Plastic does not contain dioxin. According to the Bureau of Food and Drug Administration (BFAD), the PET (polyethylene terephthalate) used in mineral water bottles meets the standard for food contact materials. Studies conducted on water bottles, even under severe temperature abuse conditions, have failed to generate the production of chemicals at levels that could pose a health risk.
Stories have circulated for years that freezing or microwaving plastic food containers or wraps causes them to release cancer-causing substances called dioxins.
TRUE or FALSE: Does freezing plastic water bottles and microwaving plastic food containers cause the release of cancer-causing toxins.
FALSE: There is no evidence that plastic food containers or wraps even dioxins. According to the Bureau of Food and Drug Administration (BFAD), freezing and microwaving plastic food containers and wraps are safe. Although little amounts of chemicals used may leak into food but are within the safe limits. To be sure of the safe use of plastic in microwave, use wraps or containers that are labeled microwave-safe.