Considering the previous three chapters, where does all this lead to? Take for example the lesbian mayor of Houston Texas, who issued subpoenas to clergymen who had spoken against sin, namely homosexuality. An ordinance was passed to change from having separate lavatories for males and females, to having unisex facilities, meaning while women are using the restroom. men can come in. This is just the beginning of the loss of common sense and decency. Is this the will of Yehovah, or is it the will of evil mankind, with a reprobate mind, dancing to the tune of Satan?
Once upon a time, the U.S. Supreme Court had been looked upon as the beacon of justice and righteousness in this natural world. The wisest people in law and interpretation of the U.S. Constitution are supposed to be providing guidance and order so that our children will be brought up with proper morals and wholesome standards. Yet the Supreme Court has committed treason against our nation. The question was asked “Since there are 40,000 children in California that live with same-sex parents, shouldn’t their parents have full recognition and status”? The responding attorney apparently didn’t have the prudence to respond with “What about the more than 80 million children around the country that will be adversely affected by being exposed to such a deviate lifestyle”? It was criminal and insane to put those children into that venue in the first place, and that is something that must be corrected. Those responsible are going to pay, come Judgment Day.
Should a married couple expose their children to an adulterous environment? Imagine a mother and father of a household explaining to their children that another man is going to come and sleep in the bed with their mother, while their father is going down the street to spend the night with a lonely woman…, or man? Can’t you see where all of this is going?
We now have gay couples suing churches, and Christian oriented businesses, to try to force them to accept gay weddings. You can soon expect boys, making romantic gestures to other boys, and feeling offended if they are not accepted. Do you want your grandchildren to be persuaded into the gay lifestyle? By your ruling of June 26 2013, “yes you do”!! Homosexuality will devour our nation, as it did Sodom and Gomorrah, 4000 years ago.
We ask our soldiers to lay down their lives if necessary, in defense of our nation. If certain secret societies (such as Illuminati, Skull and Bones, etc.) are threatening you, you STILL must do what is best for the American people, regardless of any threat of danger, else you are being cowards in the face of danger.
Yes, secret societies have infiltrated our government, and other governments around the world, who listen to the “channelers” who get their agenda from Satan. Yet Satan is a liar, and has been since he lost the Extra-Celestial Civil War (war in Heaven in 245 Million BC). Those that follow him (for temporal riches, etc.) will join him in eternal torment, in the Lake of Fire, at the last Yom Kippur (Day of Judgment), and also those that performed unrighteously.
The best thing our nation can do is to try to return reverence to God in our government and schools. When God and Light are removed, evil and darkness fills the void. I urge you all to reverse your earlier ruling of June 26 2013, and to ban all same-sex marriage, which is not really marriage at all…, it is an abomination, and “woe to those that fall into the hands of an angry Yehovah”.
Herman Cummings