Yeshua, who is actually Yehovah (Col. 2:9), will begin His seven year countdown on the ninth day of the fifth month, which is the Hebrew month of Av. The first month of the new year began the evening of March 21 2015, when the renewed Moon was sighted in Israel. It was the 80th day on the Julian Calendar. It is expected that 126 days later, which is the evening of July 25th, being the ninth of Av, the countdown begins.
According to our Creator’s calendar, the celestial event of the Shoemaker/Levy-9 Comet began on the ninth day of the fifth month, on July 16th 1994 AD. Yehovah’s 21st anniversary of that event will about fall this year sometime between the evening of July 25th, which is a Saturday, and the evening of July 26th, which is a Sunday.
Comet Shoemaker/Levy-9 had twenty-three fragments when first discovered in March of 1993. From July 16th thru the 22nd, only twenty-one of those fragments hit Jupiter during those seven days. Here is the interpretation of that celestial sign as I see it. Either the start of, or the agreement to begin building, the third Temple will occur about July 26, 2015, pending on the sighting of the renewed Moon for the month of Av. In any case, it will be the ninth day of the fifth month. Two Jewish years after that (August 4, 2017?), the Temple should be completed and the Ark of the Covenant revealed. I think the seven days of impacts indicate that the seven years of the tribulation (3½ mild, 3½ great) start this July, between the 25th and 27th, 2015.
The best that I can determine, is that the first impact occurred about 12:13 AM Jerusalem time, on the morning of July 17 1994. After sundown on the 16th of July, would have begun the ninth day of the fifth month (Av). Therefore, the scheduled event will probably occur the morning of July 26, 2015, in Jerusalem. Considering the latest foul decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court, you can expect the “brimstone to hit the fan” very soon.
Here are the reasons for my conclusions. First, in 1st Kings 7:13 – 16, it tells us that King Solomon obtained the services of Hiram, a master craftsman of brass. He made two pillars, each eighteen cubits high, and twelve cubits in diameter. A biblical cubit is about 19 inches. He also made two chapiters of brass to sit on top of the pillars, being five cubits high. When you add five cubits to eighteen cubits, you have a height of twenty-three cubits, which is just about forty feet tall. Together, the two columns in the front of the temple were named Boaz (force), and the right column was named Jachin (fulcrum). The Temple was completed in 1011 BC, taking seven years and six months to build.
Secondly, in 2nd Kings 25:13 – 17, it tells us that the Babylonians had ransacked Jerusalem and the Temple some 425 years after it was built by Solomon. When they went into the Temple to confiscate the Ark and Table of Shewbread, the room where the artifacts were kept was empty. The two brass pillars where eighteen cubits high, but the chapiters on top of the pillars were only three cubits high. So what happened to the two missing cubits? The chapiters had sunk two cubits inside the brass pillars. Guess how that happened.
Thirdly, in Jeremiah 52:20 – 22, we read that when the pillars and chapiters were taken down and carried off to Babylon, the chapiters were once again five cubits high. But now, we learn that the pillars of brass were hollow, being about three inches thick around. Jeremiah and Levite priests had operated a sand hydraulic system that activated an elevator system to lower the gold artifacts below the Temple Mount, and hid them in a cave which was about 31 feet below the spot that Jesus would be crucified about 613 years later.
I am persuaded that the present Muslim Mosque will come down first, and great delight will be in Israel as they begin construction of the long awaited Temple of Yehovah. I hope to see it, before the man of sin defiles it in 2018 AD, during or after the Feast of Dedication. Peripheral to the expected event could be peace snatched from the jaws of war (or the other way around), an economic collapse, or an unexplained boom. I won’t pretend to know.
Be advised that this is “my guess”, and not “a revelation from God”.
Herman Cummings