There are about two fundamental questions revolve around the science of Ethics. These questions are interrelated in the fact that their answer are connected which each other in some way. The first question ask what makes an action wrong or what makes an action right or wrong, The question ask what really makes a thing to be bad or good? Perhaps, this question inquires what is Morality?
What is morality by the way, and what are the criteria, rules or guidelines in order to say that something is wrong or right? In other words, what really is or what really are the norms of morality?
The second question ask about what is the meaning of life as defined by ethics, and what is life in its fullest as well as its deepest meaning? This second question inquires about what is the supreme or the purpose of the human life as determined by Ethics itself. The humans ultimate end and of what could consist the greatest good and perfection among men.
The two questions are found to be related intimately, it is somewhat like the means relates with the ends. It is the science of Ethics that teaches us about morality, living an upright and good life, and tells us that this is the only way we should take up in order to attain and reach our supreme goal and purpose which is happiness.
The questions further signifies the connection between doing what is good and enjoying the GOOD itself. That good means the infinite good, the boundless good which could only be attained by having a good upright living.
Practically, the science of Ethics tells us to be good, and live righteously and practice virtue constantly. Furthermore, the two questions being held tells regarding the connection of the goodness and the purpose. Hence, what is morality is the value of goodness and what is the meaning of life is the purpose of goodness which is happiness.
Somewhat like in our ordinary living wherein we oftentimes associate the goodness of something with the fulfillment of the purpose of a particular thing.
Goodness and purpose are interrelated since we can attest to its goodness when its purpose is attained. Humans must posses a good life. A life that is bound by Ethics, a good life that help us in attaining the purpose in life.