The Wheel of Justice

The long arm of the law spares no one as the authorities would often say. But sometimes the law itself is not in conformity to what it is trying to enforce in relation to the legal aspect in view thereof to warrant a prosecution and judgment. As always, cases that had been filed awaiting litigations and decisions in all the courts all over the Philippines are moving quite slowly, stalling the wheel of justice in an inappropriate situation.

Judges, prosecutors and private counsels always resort to unnecessary prolonging and suspension of cases being heard. Most cases drags on for months and years. Not even a simple offense is exempted from the lengthy court hearings. Biased prosecutors often filed cases in haste without first knowing the facts.

Judges dilly-dally to finish simple cases in their court even if the accusers and witnesses never attended court hearings from day one because the plaintiffs knew from the start that baseless accusations are hard to prove and the art of lying is hard to contest legally. In this regard, the defendants, who are wrongfully accused, usually stand before the bar of justice not sure if they will be given a just and fair judgment.

Wrongful accusations are substantially part of volume of cases filed in all courts nationwide. Although the cases filed are weak and merely based on false charges, defendants who unable to post bail are immediately put to jail alongside sentenced hardened criminals.

The wheel of justice in the Philippines is really something for Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. The turtle paced kind of justice in the country is too cumbersome for people falsely accused. It definitely affects their physical and emotional well-being and the spiritual affinity or connection.

mr oldtowner: I am a man of advocacy who believes in equality, freedom and world peace.
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