Theories For Episode 4 for Season 2 of Heroes

Who is the person trying to off the members of the company?  It’s an interesting way to get people to watch the next episode of Heroes on Monday night.  Perhaps the person in Molly’s dream is the same person trying to kill Angela Petrelli, Noah Bennet, and the other people that worked for the company.  The preview said that it’s one of “them.”  The question one would ask: which of “them?”  The original characters from the last season, or is it a new character with all of those powers? 


If it’s a new character, then we won’t have to do any guessing.  But if it’s one of the original characters from the first season, there’s a lot of deducing and critical thinking we can do to figure out who killed Kaito Nakamura in the first episode, attempted to kill Angela Petrelli in second episode, and possibly attempting to kill Noah Bennet in a future episode due to the painting that Mohinder Suresh had discovered in Isaac Mendez’s former flat. 


There are a few possibilities on who would want to wipe out the former members of the company.  Might as well guess who could possibly be the one who is hunting them down.  Guessing and speculating is half the fun.  Gossip let alone gossip about certain shows like Heroes tend to be pretty fun.  We already know that there are a few of the original characters that would love nothing more than to take revenge on the company.


What we know is that the person in Molly’s dreams has yellow eyes and possibly the symbol of the RNA helix on his forehead in between the eyes.  Is that a glimpse of the person’s face?


Possible suspects:


Peter Petrelli – The company hasn’t done anything to him.  But the company tended to bank more on Nathan than Peter.  They haven’t made any efforts to track down Peter though they wanted him to explode in New York City.  A strong possibly could be Peter Petrelli that’s trying to kill them. 


So far, the person that killed Kaito and attempted to kill Angela might have some phantom ability like some sort of dark spectre.  One has to think about Peter’s original power and the other powers that he’s gained as a result.  Peter managed to absorb someone’s phasing ability.  It’s very much unknown what Peter was doing for the last four months after the last episode of the first season. 


It is possible that Peter maybe possessed or something.  However, Peter is still in Cork, Ireland at the moment joining a group of professional thieves.  The chances that Peter could be the person are 50/50.  With the ability to bend time and space, the suspicion strongly points towards Peter Petrelli. 


Niki/Jessica Sanders – She was very much used by Mr. Linderman after she borrowed fifty-grand from him.  The woman very much has a huge beef against the company let alone Mr. Linderman.  Mr. Linderman even stooped to the level to kidnap Micah and use him to rig the elections in Nathan Petrelli’s favor.  Under the Jessica persona, Niki has proven to be deadly as she tore people such as Mr. Malski in half. 


Plus, it was revealed at the end of the third episode that she was working with the company as an agent again.  However, all Niki/Jessica possesses is superhuman strength.  She doesn’t have anything else.  During the time of Kaito’s killing, Niki/Jessica was with Micah about to leave Las Vegas and start a new life. 


The chance that Niki/Jessica is the person hunting them down is unlikely.


While Niki/Jessica is possessed with superhuman strength, she’s not invincible.  She’s not possessed with spontaneous regeneration like Claire Bennet, Peter Petrelli, or Takezo Kensei. 


D.L. Hawkins – He definitely has a lot of beef with the company.  While looking for Micah, he and Niki found out that their meeting and the birth of Micah was all orchestrated.  In short, they were basically used by the company.  That part very much enraged them both. 


But, it looks as if D.L. doesn’t know the other members of the company.  He does have the phasing ability, though.  However, D.L. cannot be ruled as a possible suspect as he is supposed to be deceased having to have died in the hospital after getting shot by Mr. Linderman while trying to protect Niki.  As a result, D.L. killed Mr. Linderman.  Still, the chance he may be the one is very unlikely. 


Leonard Roberts who portrays D.L. Hawkins didn’t sign up to be in the second season of Heroes. 


There’s a strong chance that it may be either Peter Petrelli or Niki/Jessica Sanders.  But, Heroes does a good job of surprising viewers. 


Matt Parkman and Nathan Petrelli are ruled out as they were together.  During that time, Angela Petrelli was being questioned and interrogated because she was a suspect in Kaito Nakamura’s murder.  Those two are very much ruled out.


Noah Bennet is a regular human and he’s been working with Mohinder Suresh to bring down the company.  Mohinder is very much ruled out because he was in Haiti curing the Haitian. 


Claire’s trying to readjust to high school life after leaving her previous life behind in Odessa, Texas.  One can very much rule Claire out as being the person in Molly’s dreams. 


Sylar’s definitely not the person as he doesn’t have the powers he had stolen anymore.  He had recently killed Candace in the previous episode.  However, Sylar wasn’t able to tap into her powers of casting illusions. 


Hiro Nakamura is still in the mid-seventeenth century teaching Tekezo Kensei on being a hero.  So, the possibilities lie in either Niki/Jessica Sanders or Peter Petrelli.  But, perhaps it might not be either of them and it could possibly be an original character. 


It is possible that Claude could be going after them.  However, that’s highly unlikely as he hasn’t been heard from since his attempted capture.  Plus, Claude doesn’t want anything to do with the company let alone go take revenge on the likes of Noah Bennet and the others. 


But we won’t know who’s killing them off until the next episode. 






Can Tran:
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