The cause of violence is fear. The cause of mental illness is fear. As a spiritual counselor, I help people transform their fear to love. Laws do not do this. Only individuals who are ready to improve their lives from being victimized by fear which is perpetuated in our society from the news, media, movies, video games, medicine, churches, and schools that limit our children’s minds to only the set curriculum of limiting our lives.
With proper information, fear can be dispelled. It is only an illusion from the ego’s mind. We can out grow fear into maturity. A belief system can be transformed into healthy principals upon which to base a belief arrangement of cooperation. We need to encourage courage, unity, cooperation, oneness, love, forgiveness and any mindset that is a higher consciousness to fear which produces violence, illness, mental health problems, insecurity, and a lack of self-esteem.
Laws cannot change people; people need to change their behaviors and thinking to promote the common welfare. Laws are punishment, love heals and is inclusive. Everyone wins in love. No one wins in fear. In fact, as we see before our eyes our country is crumbling and falling apart.
Less laws bring more and more freedom for citizens to be themselves and not controlled by powerful others. Our country needs to set new priorities to promote loving solutions that promote a society where we help our fellows rather than attack and kill them with guns, knives, cars, drugs, and rage. More laws bring less and less freedom for people so they act out their anger. That is the point of the Boston Marathon Bombings.
It is possible to change our lives into a productive, contributing loving environment when those in leadership begin to share inner values of caring which can be modeled to others. Thus, beginning a new mindset and a new life style that moves into a higher consciousness of unity and harmony.
Surviving in laws that engage more punishment is not living, it is a slow death. Changing our consciousness into higher loving thoughts is the only way to thrive.
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