There was a time that I believed in "hope and change." Where that belief was flawed was in the kind of "hope and change" I believed in. I was on the verge of a life-long disease known as liberalism or sometimes progressivism. I saw things through a liberal viewpoint from the time I became intrigued by politics up until the end of the first half of 2009. I voted Democrat, I believed the government looked out for the best interest of its people. I especially believed the Democratic Party were the ones who cared about the people.
The epiphany hit me hard while I was watching the debate rage on over, what is basically, socialized healthcare. Not specifically during the debate but more so after the debate. When it was time to vote on the Obamacare mandates. It felt as though a majority of Americans were against this mandate, however, it was still forceably shoved down our throats. I was irate. The will of the people had been completely ignored and shoved aside because of two guys and one "kickback." Which was later regurgitated and spit back in the face of Nebraskan’s. Of course this was after the fact so Obamacare was already passed through and all of this besides the fact it had been unread, unstudied, and we were unknowing of what was in it. This is when I realized that the liberal view was dangerous. This is when I realized in order for this country, and the world, for that matter to survive (because we seen what happened to the world when America’s economy collapsed) we needed to go back to our conservative roots. We needed to do what our founder’s founded as the basis for such a great place.
Now, if we continue down this liberal, progressive path we are doomed. The world may be doomed. We need to go back in time to see how we became the world’s superpower. We need to stand for something again. Right now we stand for free handouts, big government, and a less then stellar perception of our own country. I fear for the world if Obama is re-elected. I fear for our country most of all. Look what has happened to past great civilizations. The Romans had government so big and so wasteful it killed the greatest Empire. Almost any civilization where government has become too big and too controlling and too "I don’t give a damn about the people" like have vanished. All I’m saying is something has to be done. I changed my ways before it was too late. Now I just hope everyone else stops being blinded by the sly and slick. If that happens we may be able to turn this country around. Which is good for everyone. Liberalism becomes a disease that you have no control over once it spreads to your brain. It starts in what you believe in your heart and spreads till it is engraved in your brain and all of a sudden you have a place that was free suddenly enslaved by an oppressive government and a Constitution that is just a "historical" document without meaning.
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